Minnesota ("USA") 28.7.2021: Schwarzer Pilz
nach GENimpfung: Unterschenkel weg - bald auch Hände
Nach der Covid-Impfung verliert eine Frau beide Beine
Minnesota ("USA") 28.7.2021:
Schwarzer Pilz nach GENimpfung: Unterschenkel weg -
bald auch Hände weg:
Nach der Covid-Impfung verliert eine Frau beide Beine
Quelle: Minnesota
medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after
contracting COVID-19 just days after receiving her
second vaccine dose
GENimpfschaden Kanton St. Gallen 18.8.2021:
Mann (ca.25) nach 1. GENimpfung: schwarze Zehen, lange
nicht geheilt - er zog sich auch noch die 2.
GENimpfung rein - bisher ohne Symptome
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [18.08.21 13:04]
Eine neue Meldung:
Im kt. St.Gallen berufstätiger jüngerer Mann nach der
1.Impung, (Impfstoff unbekannt) bekam er schwarze
Zehen, angeblich Durchblutungsstörung, er war kurz vor
der abnahme eines Zehens, es wurde aber dann, Gott
sei dank, doch noch gut. Er ging dann aber trotzdem noch
zur 2. Impfung🙈 bei dieser hatte er keine Symtome.
GENimpfschaden Marokko
26.1.2022: Frau GENgeimpft: Am Impfarm faulen die
Finger ab - schwarzer Pilz?
Meldung von Hibapress (Marokko, Sitz in Rabat):
Video-Link: https://t.me/weggespritzt/2254
GENimpfschaden Marokko 26.1.2022: Frau GENgeimpft:
Am Impfarm faulen die Finger ab [9]
Video 26.1.2022: Marokko 26.1.2022:
Am Impfarm faulen Finger weg - vaxxed arm
loosing rotting fingers (39sek.)
Video 26.1.2022: Marokko
26.1.2022: Am Impfarm faulen Finger weg - vaxxed
arm loosing rotting fingers (39sek.)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/b51Knwl4FyZ8/ -
Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. - hochgeladen am
Sie haben in meinen linken Arm geimpft. Und das
passierte dann, am selben Arm [sie zeigt die linke
Hand: Der kleine Finger ist nicht mehr da, und beim
Ringfinger und Zeigefinger fehlt das letzte
Fingerglied] (6''). Ich schade niemandem. Ich sage
einfach, was ich weiss, und was aus meinem Herzen
kommt (12''). Ich habe Fotos und alles. Ich bin mit
keiner Krankheit vorbelastet (20''). Ich habe keine
Diabetes. Ich habe keine Probleme mit Lungen, Nieren
oder Leber (28''). 2 Wochen nach der Impfung kam eine
Müdigkeit und ich wollte nichts mehr tun. Ich wollte
nur noch zu Hause bleiben und ausruhen (39'').
original Englisch:
They jabbed my left arm. And this is what happened,
the same arm [left hand has no little finger, and the
ring finger and the index finger have 1 part off]
(6''). I don't do harm to anyone. I just say what I
know and what is deep inside my heart (12''). I have
pictures and everything. I don't suffer from any
disease (20''). I'm not diabetic. I don't have
problems with my lungs, kidneys or liver (28''). 2
weeks after I got jabbed I felt tired and I didn't
want to do anything. I just wanted to stay home and
rest. (39'')
Schottland 23.8.2022: Frau komplett "geimpft": Finger
schwarz - 8 Finger amputiert (Artikel vom 27.6.2022)
Vollständig geimpfte Frau lässt sich aufgrund einer
"mysteriösen Krankheit" 8 Finger amputieren
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden Schottland 23.8.2022: Frau
komplett "geimpft": Finger schwarz - 8 Finger amputiert:
Vollständig geimpfte Frau lässt sich aufgrund einer
"mysteriösen Krankheit" 8 Finger amputieren [22]
Einer schottischen Frau wurden acht Finger amputiert,
nachdem eine mysteriöse Krankheit dazu geführt hatte, dass
sie sich schwarz färbten und ihre Organe zu versagen
Die 51-Jährige aus Edinburgh hatte in der Woche zuvor an
Covid-19 gelitten.
Obwohl sie vollständig geimpft war, hatte sie weiterhin
fieberähnliche Symptome, die sie darauf zurückführte, dass
sich ihr Körper von dem Virus erholte.
Sie sagte: "Ich dachte nur, dass ich noch die Auswirkungen
von COVID spüre. Ich hatte es gerade erst bekommen, also
schob ich meine Symptome darauf.
Sie sagten, ihr Blut habe zu gerinnen begonnen und die
Blutzufuhr zu ihren Gliedmaßen und Organen sei eingeschränkt
Anfang dieses Monats amputierten die Ärzte acht von Tinas
Fingern, nachdem sich die Fingerspitzen aufgrund der
mangelnden Blutversorgung schwarz verfärbt hatten.
Der Artikel:
June 17, 2022: Scots woman has eight fingers
amputated after they turned black following mystery illness
Catriona Patterson, known as Tina, was rushed to Edinburgh
Royal Infirmary earlier this year after paramedics were unable
to find a pulse on her index finger.
A Scots woman had eight of her fingers amputated after a
mystery illness caused them to turn black and her organs to
start shutting down.
Catriona Patterson, known as Tina, was rushed to Edinburgh Royal
Infirmary in March after paramedics were unable to
find a pulse on her index finger.
The 51-year-old, from Edinburgh, had suffered from Covid-19
the week before.
Despite being fully vaccinated, she was continuing to
experience fever-like symptoms that she put down to her body
recovering from the virus.
Following numerous tests, Tina's organs began shutting down
and she was admitted to intensive care.
Doctors told her loved ones they feared she may not survive
and advised them to prepare for the worst.
Speaking to the Daily Record, mum-of-one Tina said she was
shocked when she discovered just how ill she actually was.
She said: "I just thought I was still feeling the effects
of COVID. I had only
just had it, so I was blaming my symptoms on that.
"I never for a second expected it to be as bad as it was.
"I had been feeling exhausted and in pain for several days.
My feet were absolutely freezing and I was so uncomfortable.
"When I finally went to the hospital, one of the things I
remember is the pain I felt in my fingers.
"I remembering asking the nurse to cut them off or knock me
out because I couldn't take it any longer.
"It was shortly after this that I took a turn for worst. My
organs were completely closing down and doctors thought I
was going to die."
Despite thorough investigations, doctors have been unable
to tell school support assistant Tina what exactly caused
this to happen.
They said her blood had began clotting and blood supply to
her limbs and organs had been restricted.
She added: "They don't actually know. They have told me it
could have been a virus which was kick started by Covid, but
again they aren't 100 per cent sure."
Since falling unwell Tina has had four blood transfusions,
has received dialysis on her kidneys and also has to inject
herself with blood thinning medication daily.
Earlier this month doctors amputated eight of Tina's
fingers after the tips of them turned black due to the lack
of blood supply.
She may also have to have four of her toes removed as
doctors fear they may fall off due if they don't operate.
Speaking about her amputations, Tina said she is devastated
that she will now be disfigured and disabled for the rest of
her life.
She said: "It's hard to describe how I'm feeling right now.
What's happened was so unexpected and all happened so fast.
"Obviously I'm gutted at the situation and totally
devastated that I'm going to be disabled and disfigured
"The thought of people looking at me and staring at my
hands everywhere I go is horrible and I think I'll really
struggle with it, but I'm trying to stay positive.
"Right now I'm just happy to be alive and that I pulled
through all of is. My recovery is going to be long, but I'm
trying to stay positive."
Tina's friend Lisa Haydon has now set-up a fundraiser to
help Tina and her family financially during her recovery.
Lisa said: "Tina and Stuart are genuinely lovely people.
She nearly died as she was so dismissive of it and now she's
lost eight fingers and waiting for toes to fall off.
"How do you pick yourself up and carry on? She needs
assistance and people are kind - she felt it was like
begging but it is not.
"If someone can donate theatre tickets or an aid to help
her around her home, it would be wonderful and so
appreciated by this gorgeous couple!
"They are so loved by friends and family, I just wanted to
get them any help out there."
Tina added: "The support I've received since I fell unwell
has been overwhelming. People have been so generous and
kind. I'm so grateful for all the well-wishes, donations and
help my family have received.
To donate click here.
Altersheim Schweiz 25.8.2022: 4x Geimpfte: in 7 Monaten
sind 13 Leute gestorben - Krebs, Nierenschaden,
schwarzer Pilz, Gürtelrose
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [25.08.2022 11:51]
Eine neue Meldung:
in unserem Heim,( alle 4fach💉) sind von Ferbruar bis
Heute 13 Bewohner verstorben. Wir haben viele mit Krebs,
Zungenkrebs, Darmkrebs, Nierenversagen, absterben der
Gliedmassen [schwarzer Pilz],
Gürtelrose. Es wird schlimm.
ohne Ort 17.10.2022: Turbo-Nekrosis an den Fingern -
schwarze Finger
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [17.10.2022 09:02]
⚡️💉⚡️Schrecklich was diese "Impfung" alles auslösen
kann👉Pfizer-biontech COVID-19 RNA -\/- induziert
Phosphatidylserin-Autoantikörper, Kryoglobulinämie und
digitale Nekrose bei einem Patienten mit vorbestehender
Autoimmunität. Nekrose der Fingerspitzen, die drei Tage nach
der ersten Dosis begann Quelle
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden ohne Ort 17.10.2022:
Turbo-Nekrosis an den Fingern - schwarze Finger [31]
"USA" 18.10.2022: Diabetes (?) mit Nekrose an den Fingern
- schwarze Finger:
Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 RNA-Impfung induziert
Phosphatidylserin-Autoantikörper, Kryoglobulinämie und
digitale Nekrose bei einer Patientin mit
(orig. Englisch: Pfizer–biontech COVID-19 RNA vaccination
induces phosphatidylserine autoantibodies,
cryoglobulinemia, and digital necrosis in a patient with
pre-existing autoimmunity)
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [18.10.2022 11:41]
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden "USA" 18.10.2022: Diabetes (?)
mit Nekrose an den Fingern - schwarze Finger [37]