Note: The healing effect of the snake venom of the pit vipers (Cenchris - homeopathy) 01
Chills, fever, inflammation of organs - fainting - damage of blood vessels - heart disorders (palpitations, heart stitch, feelings of enlargement on the heart, pain in the top of the heart - shortness of breath, feelings of suffocation - headache - sore throat + never ending cough - pain on the ovaries - too much menstruation - throbbing pain - extended menstruation - edema in legs + arms - deaf foot soles - wound don't close - sepsis - breathing paralysis - cold sweat outbursts - rheumatism - intestinal inflammation with cramp-like diarrhea - fear of life - horror dreams, etc.
Pygmy rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius) [1] - Diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) [2] - Osage copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) [3]
Florida Cottonmouth snake (Agkistrodon conanti) [4]
Eyelash viper, a lance-head pit viper (Bothriechis schlegelii) [5] - Bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta) [6] - Eastern coral snake, also harlequin snake (Micrurus fulvius) [7]
presented by Michael Palomino (2019 / 2022) - news
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Name questions about pit vipers
-- pit viper has the Latin names Ovophis or Trimeresurus [web03] or also Crotalinae [web04], Crotalinae is the general name for pit vipers in the whole world with Europe, Asia and "America" [web011]
-- Cenchris: Cench, Agkistrodon contortrix = Cenchris c. = Moccasin snake = Copperhead snake from North "America" [web02]
-- Moccasin snake is said to have the Latin name "Agkistrodon", and at Mossad Wikipedia the Latin name "Cenchris" is NOT mentioned [web05], Moccasin snakes are 4 species of vip vipers in North and Central "America" [web10]
-- Cenchris=Agkistrodon: In Mossad Wikipedia is indicated unter "Cenchris2 really "Agkistrodon", which is the indication for Moccasin snake, the 4 vip viper species of North and Central "America" [web06]
-- Ovophis or Trimeresurus: Ovophis are pit vipers in Asia [web08], and also Trimeresurus are pit vipers in Asia from India passing China down to the Pacific [web09].
Pit vipers (Crotalinae in general, Ovophis+Trimeresurus in Asia, Cenchris in "America")
Pit vipers are a subfamily of the vipers with approx. 15 species in warmer zones of "America" and Asia [web15]. You can recognize the fatal, toxic vipers on the head with slit-shaped eye pupils, and they have a triangled head [web17].
Pit vipers are usually up to 2m long. In Europe is living one species only. Pit vipers in Asia are living from the Caspian Sea passing Caucasus Mountains to the East down to Japan and the Philippines - Halys viper (Gloydius halys) from Ural Mountains to China to Huang-Ho River - Palm pit vipers (Trimeresurus) in South Asia. Longest pit vipers are up to 3m long (resp. 3.75m long [web15]) living in South "America", for example Bushmaster snake (Lachesis) is one of them.
From the pit viper family, in "America" ("USA"+Mexico) are living rattlesnakes, Palm lance-head pit vipers (Central "America"), "American" lance-head pit vipers (South "America"). Most species are living on the ground, some in the water or on trees [web04].
The "pits" for hunting
Pit vipers have a snake venom which is transmitted to the victim with poison teeth. The "pits" are on the front jaw between nostrils and eyes, these nostrils serve as receptors for warmth and are also working as an infrared TV: they can measure temperatures with a three-dimensional heat image and with a scaling of 0.003ºC. Thus, a pit viper can hunt warm prey even in the dark. Prey are first reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Adult snakes then also eat birds and mammals. The victim is stunned with the snake bite and then captured or released depending on the species. Many pit vipers give birth to the young without laying eggs [web04], so there are "live births", for example Triangle heads, Bushmaster, lance-heads, and rattlesnakes". [web15]
Example Georgia
Warm Georgia in the "USA" is full of snakes, but rarely toxic. "According to Southern Reptile Education, 42 types of snake are located in the state of Georgia. Five of these species are poisonous and the remaining 37 are completely harmless to humans." The snakes are mostly mine pit vipers and eastern coral snakes. "Some of the non-toxic snakes in Georgia resemble the poisonous species, so it is important to understand the differences." [web17]
Poisonous pit vipers in Georgia are
-- Pygmy rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius [web18])
-- Diamondback rattlesnake (rattlesnake with eastern diamond back) (Crotalus adamanteus)
-- Copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix)
-- Florida Cottonmouth snake (Agkistrodon conanti) [web17,web34]
Agkistrodon conanti Florida-Baumwollmaul - https://de.abcdef.wiki/wiki/Agkistrodon_piscivorus_conanti[web17]
Agkistrodon conanti Florida-Baumwollmaul - https://de.abcdef.wiki/wiki/Agkistrodon_piscivorus_conanti
Pygmy rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius) [1] - Diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) [2] - Osage copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) [3]
Florida Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon conanti) [4]
Another poisonous snake in Georgia is the eastern coral snake (Micrurus Fulvius). [web17].
Non-toxic snakes in Georgia are the constrictor snakes: royal snakes, water snakes, oak snakes, coachwhip snakes, rat snakes, crayfish snakes, hognose snakes, indigoos, eastern racer [web17].
Example Costa Rica
The most aggressive snake on Costa Rica is the Terciopelo lance-head pit viper (Bothrops Asper), which is responsible for approx. 70% of all snake bites against people. The antidote is available almost everywhere in Costa Rica. The eyelash viper (Bothrops Schlegelii) hangs in trees, and tourists that lean on trees without control are then bitten. The Bushmaster snake is rather rare on Costa Rica [web12].
The poison of pit vipers - corresponds EXACTLY to the severe cases of "Corona vaccination"
Example: On Costa Rica are living:
Translation 01 (orig. German):
-- "There are over 130 species of different snakes in Costa Rica
-- Around 22 species venomous snakes
-- 16 types of pit vipers with venoms that destroy tissue
-- 6 types of poison snakes with nerve poison, two of which live in the sea
-- Bite accidents reported in Costa Rica are about 500, fatal course approx. 7 on the annual average
-- Antidote is produced in horses and often leads to strong allergic reactions" [web11]
The bite of pit vipers
Young, inexperienced toxic snakes often bite people without getting people as prey. Then they have to wait a long time before they have new snake poison available again. Therefore, large toxic snakes bite people only with dry bite to keep the snake poison for eating prey. [web12]
The ingredients of pit viper venoms
-- enzymes
-- low molecular polypeptides
-- metal ions
-- other components
-- diverse effects with local symptoms and full body symptoms [web04]
-- blood poison [web15]
-- nerve poison, e.g. the rattlesal snakes [web15]
The symptoms of pit viper venoms
-- at the bite point: pain, redness, swelling, extension of the swelling on the whole arm or on the whole leg and on the neighboring trunk [web04]
-- at the bite point: bubbles can form with clear or bloody serum liquid [web04]
-- at the bite point: tissue can die (necrosis) and muscle tissue can die (necrosis) [web04]
-- Blood + circulation broken: Numerous types of pit vipers transmit a poison that also destroys the blood (hemolytic effect [and then, oxygen transport is blocked]) and with metalloproteinases entire blood vessels are destroyed (hemorrhagic effect)
-- Blood is broken: Numerous types of pit vipers are transmitting with their venoms thrombine-like enzymes (TLEs) so the blood coagulation is changing and cluts and thromboses are caused [web04].
Quote (translation, orig. German):
"Often the poison contains thrombin-like enzymes (TLEs), which are provoking a change of the pre-coagulation level fibrinogen and by this they are activating a pathologic activatino of the blood coagulation." [web04]
(orig. German: "Häufig enthält das Gift thrombinähnliche Enzyme (TLEs), die eine Veränderung der Blutgerinnungsvorstufe Fibrinogen und hierdurch eine pathologische Aktivierung der Blutgerinnung bewirken." [web04])
The coagulation factors in the blood are used up quickly, then there is hardly any coagulation possible, so that the victims are bleeding like crazy (consumption coagulopathy) [web04].
Quote (translation, orig. German):
"This leads to the quick consumption of the coagulation factors and therefore has an anti-coagulation effect (consumption coagulopathy)." [web04]
(orig. German: "Dies führt über weitere Schritte zum schnellen Verbrauch der Gerinnungsfaktoren und wirkt daher gerinnungshemmend (Verbrauchskoagulopathie)." [web04])
-- Nervengifte und Lähmung: Einige Arten übertragen ein Gift mit Nervengiften ("neurotoxische Bestandteile"), manchmal in hohen Mengen wie z.B. die Schauer-Klapperschlange "Crotalus durissus terrificus". Diese Nervengifte blockieren die Synapsen und somit die Befehle vom Gehirn zur Muskulatur. Dies bewirkt dann die Lähmung des Opfers [web04]. Zitat:
The symptoms of pit viper bites - are like a "corona vaccination"
-- Nerve poison and paralysis: Some pit viper species transmit a poison with nerve toxics ("neurotoxic components"), sometimes in high quantities such as the South American rattlesnake "Crotalus Durisus Terrificus". These nerve poisons are blocking the synapses and thus the commands from the brain to the muscles. This then causes the victim's paralysis [web04].
Quote (translation, orig. German):
"In addition, species are known that have a venom secretion containing neurotoxic components. However, these often have no clinical relevance. A representative with potent neurotoxins is, for example, crotalus durissus terrifticus, a subspecies of the South American rattlesnakes. A presynaptic blockage of the trigger line leads to paralysis. [7]" [web04]
(orig. German: "Darüber hinaus sind Arten bekannt, deren Giftsekret neurotoxische Bestandteile enthält. Diese besitzen jedoch häufig keine klinische Relevanz. Ein Vertreter mit potenten Neurotoxinen ist beispielsweise Crotalus durissus terrificus, eine Unterart der Schauer-Klapperschlange. Eine präsynaptische Blockade der Reizweiterleitung führt hierbei zur Paralyse.[7]" [web04])
from: https://www.msdmanuals.com/de-de/heim/kurzinformationen-verletzungen-und-vergiftung/bisse-und-stiche/schlangenbisse [web16]
Translation 02 (orig. German):
"Not all bites of the pit vipers are poisonous. If the bite does not hurt or swell in the first 30 to 60 minutes, you probably have not got a poison. If the bite starts to suppurate, it can indicate poison.
After a toxic bite of a pit viper, you will have the following:
-- reddening and swelling, approx. 30 to 60 minutes after the bite
-- blue stain and tension that occur 3 to 6 hours after the bite
-- bubbles are formed on the skin filled with blood next to the bite [web16]
You can have a strong swelling. The swelling will usually get worse for a few days. If you get a lot of poison, you can also have the following:
-- weakness and confusion
-- nausea and vomiting
-- bleeding gums
-- blood in the vomit, stool or urine [because vessels are attacked and blood comes from everywhere]
-- shortness of breath, especially if she has bitten a Mojave rattlesnake [web16]
Hours later you can have the following:
-- headache
-- blurry view
-- hanging eyelids
-- dry mouth
-- tingling, deafness or a metal taste in the mouth when the bite came from a rattlesnake [web16]
Symptoms of a coral snake bite
-- Little or no pain around the bite
-- Several hours later, the bite can start tingling
-- Muscle weakness that increases over time.
In addition, those affected can perceive the following symptoms:
-- blurry or double view
-- weakness and confusion
-- shortness of breath
-- difficulties in speaking or swallowing." [paralysis] [web16]
What do you have to do after a "corona vaccination"?
"With a poisonous snake bite, the medical doctor will:
-- Usually give you a snake antivenin (medicinal product that acts against the special snake poison) via an infusion (into your vein)
-- You will be kept in hospital for 6 to 8 hours with control of sympmtoms, even longer if necessary
-- You will be transferred to the intensive care unit of the clinic if you got a large amount of poison." [web16]
Example: symptoms of pit viper venoms: Eyelash viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
The snake venom of the Eyelash viper can lead to amputations and mutilation [web13]
Quote (translation 03 - orig. German):
from: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter
"The Eyelash viper [lance-head rattlesnake] is strongly toxic, does not warn before biting but is pushing forward up to half of it's body lenght. The poison contains tissue-destroying and neurotoxic components. Accidents are often with plantations workers as in banana fields etc., but mostly not fatal. However, the poison is often underestimated in terrarium husbandry and can lead to amputations and severe mutilation." [web13]
Quote (translation 04 - orig. German)
from: https://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter
"With a bite, Bothriechis schlegelii can inject 10 to 20 mg raw poison (dry weight). The toxic secretion probably contains hemorrhagine (not clinically relevant) and procoagulants. Encyme matters are showing with caseinolytic effects and hyaluronidase and phospholipase A2 activity. After a venom bite the following symptoms may occur:
Geographical differences concerning the intensity of the poison effect were found. The poison secretion of snakes from Costa Rica proved to be more toxic than the poison of animals from Colombia. In the animal experiment (mouse), it was found that the average letal dose of probes from Costa Rica was 5.60 mg/kg, but from Columbia 9.24 mg/kg.
- Unspecific general symptoms: headache, abdominal pain, emesis [vomiting and diarrhea], nausea, hypotension [low blood pressure] syncope [short loss of consciousness]
- Local effects: pain, edema, bubble formation, possibly necrosis [skin or meat areas are dying becoming black and stinking]
- Coagulopathy [no more blood clotting, wounds bleed forever] and hemorrhagia in severe cases [bleedings after bursting of veins]
Bite accidents with Bothriechi's Schlegelii mostly only have mild symptoms. Severe systemic effects or deaths are rare in humans." [web14]
Example: symptoms of pit viper venoms: Bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta)
-- The poison is relatively weak, but the Bushmaster snake releases a lot of poison and is therefore dangerous [web15]
The poison of the Bushmaster snake paralyzes the nervous system, harms the blood and the coagulation system. The symptoms occur one after the other:
-- inflammation at the bite wound with a blue-red discoloration, swelling, pain, sensitivity to touch [web30]
-- drowsiness, nausea, vomiting [due to liver damage!], intestinal cramps, aqueous diarrhea [intestinal inflammation], sweats [web30]
-- coagulation disorders, grape-like blood clots, decomposition of blood, infections and tissue necrosis [web30]
-- bleeding from body openings [e.g. endless nosebleeds], increased reflexes [e.g. convulsions] [web30]
-- paralysis, respiratory arrest and death, also death from deadly inflammation [web30]
Quote (translation 05 - orig. German):
"After a snake bite, the intoxicated persons first suffer inflammations at the bite zone with bluish red discoloration, swelling, pain and sensitivity to touch. In addition, symptoms come such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps with watery diarrhea and strong sweating. In the next phase arise coagulation disorders with grape-like blood clots and decomposition of the blood as well as infections and tissue necrosis. From different body openings, blood is flowing the reflexes increase, then there are paralysis and a standstill. If the snake bite is not treated medically as quickly as possible, people in most cases die from the poisoning or from the inflammation of the wound." [web30]
Example: The symptoms of the tropical rattlesnake
-- paralysis of the neck muscles, the victim can no longer hold the head [web15]
-- Destruction of the body cells [web15]
Example: The symptoms of pygmy rattlesnake (Sisturus Miliarius - a pit viper in Georgia, "USA")
The snake venom of the Pigmy rattlesnake
-- destroys the blood (hemotoxic), destroys the blood cells [web18] resp. destroys the red blood cells [erythrocytes] [web19]
-- destroys the walls of the blood vessels [the walls of the circulatory system] [web18]
[so that veins, for example, burst in the eye or become weak, split, etc.]
-- inner bleeding and inner swelling, very painful [web18]
Quote (translation 06 - orig. German):
"Venom of Pigmy rattlesnakes corresponds in its composition to the one of the rattlesnakes and is as most of viper venoms hemotoxic, it destroys thus the blood cells and the walls of the blood vessels. Hemotoxins mostly provoke tissue destruction, inner bleedings and swellings and are very painful, compared to most neurotixins they kill just less fast. Venoms of rattlesnakes are well researched, venoms of Pigmy rattlesnakes not so. Pigmy rattlesnake produces only a little quantity of venom and it's venom teeth are relatively short and cannot penetrate much into the tissue. Normal effect is a local swelling, pain and general nausea." [web18]
Example: The symptoms of the diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus - a pit viper in Forida and in the coastal regions from Georgia to Louisiana, "USA"): destruction of the blood, the red blood cells
The diamond rattlesnake is the largest rattlesnake and therefore also transmits larger amounts of poison than the other rattlesnakes [web20]: The snake poison of the diamond rattlesnake works like this:
-- Destruction of the blood with destruction of the red blood cells [web20] [there is no more oxygen transport, permanent fatigue and in the end fainting, organ failure and death]
-- The tissue of the bite zone is destroyed, strong swelling [web20]
Quote (translation 07 - orig. German):
"Diamond rattlesnake is the biggest rattlesnake and also has a bigger venom quantity than all other species of it's family. The venom attacks the red blood cells destroying them, add to this the tissue of the bite zone is destroyed, this zone is swelling strongly. When the bite is not treated, this can have severe consequences for the patients or even lead to death." [web20]
Example: The symptoms of the Osage copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster (Agkistrodon Contortrix / Cenchris Contortrix - a pit viper in the southern states of the "USA" and in Mexico): Destruction of the blood
Here are names in English: Copperhead snake, Ancistrodon mocasin, Ancistrodon mokeson, chunk head, death adder, (dry-land) moccasin [web32].
Here is an exact list:
- Eastern copperhead [link] (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix) – in wide parts of the Southern states of the "USA" and northern Mexico
- Broad-banded copperhead, copperhead moccasin, copperhead snake, dry-land moccasin [link] (Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus) – Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas
- Northern copperhead, resident copperhead, highland moccasin, beech-leaf snake [link] (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen) – in wide parts of Southern states
- Osage copperhead [link] (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) – Kansas, Missouri
- Trans-Pecos copperhead [link] (Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster) – Texas [web21]
The poison of the copper head snakes works like this:
-- is a blood poison (hemotoxin) of "medium strength", destroys the blood, very painful, but supposedly not fatal [web21]
-- Local pain, nausea, vomiting [web21].
Quote (translation - orig. German):
"The poison of the North American copperhead snake is a medium hemotoxin, is very painful, but usually not fatal for an adult person. The symptoms range from local pain to nausea up to vomiting." [web21]
(orig. German: "Das Gift des nordamerikanischen Kupferkopfes, ein Hämotoxin mittlerer Stärke, ist zwar sehr schmerzhaft, aber in der Regel für einen Erwachsenen nicht tödlich. Die Symptome reichen von lokalen Schmerzen über Übelkeit bis zum Erbrechen." [web21])
Example: The symptoms of the cottonmouth snake (Agkistonon piscivorus - a water pitviper in the southern states of the "USA": destruction of the blood and destruction of the bite point
The poison of the cotton mouth snake works like this:
-- destroys the blood resp. destroys the ability to clot, the blood cells are destroyed, and bleedings are occuring without end [web22]
-- at the bite point there is tissue damage, muscle damage, internal bleeding, severe pain [web22]
Quote (translation):
"The poison of the cotton mouth snake is highly toxic and can kill you, although deaths are rare. Beane says that the poison blocks the coagulation of the human blood. While the hemotoxins are spreading, they reduce blood cells and are causing bleedings. The venom can lead to tissue damage, muscle damate, inner bleedings, and severe pain around the bite location." [web22]
(orig. German: "Das Gift des Baumwollmauls ist hochgiftig und kann Sie töten, obwohl Todesfälle selten sind. Beane sagt, dass das Gift die Blutgerinnung des Menschen verhindert. Während sich die Hämotoxine ausbreiten, bauen sie Blutzellen ab und verursachen Blutungen. Das Gift kann zu Gewebe- und Muskelschäden, inneren Blutungen und starken Schmerzen um die Bissspur führen." [web22])
Example: snake venom of Coral snakes (Micrurus)
Coral pit vipers (Micrurus) live all over "America" from north to south, are not very aggressive, bite only if there is too much provocation. The snake venom of the coral snake is highly toxic with nerve poison (neurotoxin) with post-synaptic effect [synapses are blocked interrupting the signal of the brain to the muscles]. In many snake toxins exists also a muscle poison (myotoxin) that destroys muscle tissue. The bite can be fatal within 24 hours. But bite accidents are rare, 2% of the snake bites in the "USA" come from coral snakes, and only 0.7% in southern "America". Antivenoms are well developed nowadays. Lethal cases have become very rare, so [web35].
Example: snake venom of Eastern Coral snake (Micrurus fulvius)
Other popular names are: American cobra, (Elaps or Florida) harlequin snake, coral adder, candy-stick snake, harlequin coral snake, red bead snake, thunder-and-lightning snake [web36].
The effect of the snake poison:
-- An adult Harlekin coral snake can theoretically kill 5 people with their poison storage - but not much poison is transmitted by the bite
-- The Harlekin coral snake only have small jaws and therefore they are chasing only small animals
-- The Harlekin coral snake is nocturnal, and that is why there are only few bites against people
-- In the "USA", around 100 people are bitten by a Harlekin coral snake each year, of which approx. 40% are dry bites, because if the pray is too large, no snake poison can be transmitted [web36]
"The coral snake disposes of a highly toxic venom. Theoretically, an adult snake carries enough venom to kill five humans – but it cannot inject a large amount of venom with one bite. Since the snake mostly hunts for small prey, its jaws are not built to bite large animals or humans. Furthermore, due to its mainly nocturnal lifestyle, very few bites from coral snakes occur. According to various sources, around 100 people are bitten by eastern coral snakes per year. Around 40% of these bites are dry bites because the snake is unable to inject its venom when biting into large objects." [web36]
The effect of the snake poison [web36]:
-- The bite is not fatal, but immediate medical treatment is needed to apply an antidote against the potential life-threatening effects
-- Symptoms are pain and swelling at the bite point
-- Gastrointestinal problems
-- Paralysis
-- In extreme cases without medical treatment, death by breathing paralysis can occur in 24 to 36 hours [web36]
The effect of the snake poison [web37]:
"Bites are generally not fatal but immediate medical attention is absolutely necessary. A medical professional will administer an antivenom to counter the potentially life threatening effects of a coral snake bite. Symptoms of a bite are local pain and swellings as well as gastrointestinal disorders and paralysis. In extreme and untreated cases, death can occur within 24-36 hours due to respiratory paralysis." [web36]
--The snake venom of the Harlekin coral snake consists above all of proteins, among others an enzyme of the phospholipase A2 group, a muscle poison (myotoxic), destroys the cross-stripped muscle fibers (rhabdomyolysis), which then also makes kidney damage possible
-- The snake poison acts postsynaptically as a nerve poison (neurotoxin) [blocking synapses and by this interupting the signals from the brain to the muscles]
-- First there are swelling and pain at the bite point and gastrointestinal complaints
-- Then follow muscle pain as well as nerve damage and complaints related to the central nervous system ZNS, especially paralysis
-- Without treatment, death through breathing paralysis is possible in 36 hours
-- The treatment goes with antidotes (antivenins) with polyvalent immune serums, in this case exists also a specific serum "Wyeth Antivein Micrurus Fulvius" [web37]
Quote (translation 08 - orig. German)
"The Harlekin coral snake has an extremely strong snake venom that is primarily composed of proteins, including an enzyme of the phospholipase A₂ group, which is responsible for myotoxic properties of the poison and can lead to the destruction of cross-stripped muscle fibers (rhubdomyolysis). As an indirect sequence of rhubdomyolysis also kidney damage cannot be excluded. In addition, the poison acts post-synaptic as a nerve poison (neurotoxin). After a bite, typical poisoning symptoms occur in the form of swelling and pain around the bite area as well as gastrointestinal complaints. Then follow muscle pain and neurological and central nervous troubles, in particular paralysis symptoms are rapidly starting. If left untreated, death can occur through breathing paralysis within 36 hours. Treatment will be depending on the condition of the patient with special antivenins. In addition to polyvalent immune serums, the specific serum "Wyeth Antivenin Micrurus Fulvius" is available [4]. Despite the strong toxicity, bite accidents are very rare due to this snake." [web37]
Commercial remedies for the poison of pit vipers
-- opposite venoms of the pharmaceutical industry, so-called "unspecific antivenins", which also work against pit vipers and rattlesnakes [web20]
-- "A well-known preparation is "CroFab (crotalidae polyvalent immune [ovine]) "." [web20]
-- those people who have locked poison snakes in terrariums must always have such an antidote at home [web20]
Quote (translation 09 - orig. German):
"Fortunately, there is an antidote. If you are bitten, see a doctor immediately, as is recommended for every snake bite.
That is interesting
Antivenoms, also known as an antivenin, was originally developed in France of the late 19th century at the Pasteur institute. It is manufactured with horses or sheep: They are immunicized with different snake venoms, so the animals develop antibodiesagainst the enom. The antibodies are harvested, cleaned and can be used for treatments of human victims of snake bites." [web22]
The homeopathic remedy "Cenchris" (Cenchris contortrix)
According to the rule of homeopathy, all toxic effects of the Cenchris pit vipers of "America" should be curable with the homeopathically diluted venom of the Cenchris snakes.
The healing substance: the homeopathic snake poison of the copperhead snakes
The homeopathic remedy "Chenchris contortrix" is made from the snake venom of the copperhead snakes, also called mocassin snake, Lat. also Agkiston Contortrix [web32].
So the remedy should primarily restore the blood, which is destroyed by a snake bite of the copperhead snakes [web21]
Areas of application of Cenchris contortrix
Physical indications
-- anxiety in bed [web23] or in lying position [web27]
-- eye pain [web23]
-- headaches at the front [web23]
-- shortness of breath (dyspnoe) [web23], fighting for air [web24]
-- Memorial weakness [web23], the affected persons can no longer remember impressions and events [web27]
-- hypersexuality [web23]
-- stinging pain [web23], point-shaped pain often with a cyclical course [web25]
-- breast pain [web23], "not only due to heart diseases, but also due to diseases of the pleura, the abdominal cavity or the spine." [web26]
-- pressure [web23] on the stomach [web28]
-- worsening of symptoms in horizontal position [web23, web29]
-- worsening of symptoms in the afternoon [web23]
-- worsening of symptoms at night [web23]
Mental indications
-- mood instability [web23]
-- Manic-depressive behavior (cyclothymia) [web23]
Homeopathy heals heart disease: anamnesis and e.g. intake of diluted snake venom of a pit viper (Cenchris). Indications: Almost all diluted snake remedies also have heart disease as an indication: people with heart problems, with palpitations, heart stitches, enlargement feelings, pain in the tip of the heart, often also have death thoughts or fears before dying, have dreams of snakes, dreams of snake bites: intake of diluted snake venom of a pit viper (Cenchris) [web01].
And now symptoms are indicated, some of which also occur as a serious side effects after "corona vaccinations", especially forgetfulness, heart problems, shortness of breath, long cough, skin ulcers, too much menstruation, pain on the ovaries, edema, wounds no longer close, sepsis , Chills, fever, inflammation, fainting [web31]:
The whole list:
Brain damage: forgetfulness - swelling around the eyes, stinging pain in the eyes - stinging ear pain - swelling between the eyebrows - bluish or spotty skin - language difficulties [by paralysis?] - toothache during cold weather and with cold drinks - heart feels swollen as if it would fill the whole breast and fall into the belly, stitching heartaches, heart flattering -- heart squeezing, heart inflammation -- shortness of breath at night or always in a lying position, waking up with shortness of breath -- cough again and again, biting cough in the afternoon -- spitting blood -- spitting with metal taste -- skin ulcers, in spring they break up -- back pain in the region of the shoulder blades -- belly cramps, abdominal pain during coughing and during diarrhea -- incontinence, urination when coughing -- nausea as if a with a gag, or nausea during coughing -- stool output without muscle control -- pain in the ovaries, vaginal rash -- too much menstruation, pain on the ovaries before menstruation -- edema (liquid in the tissue of arms and legs) -- wounds no longer close -- damage to blood vessels -- sepsis -- chills and shivers -- fever -- weakness -- pneumonia -- liver inflammation, kidney inflammation, other organs inflamed - fainting [web31]
Throat aches going from the left to the right side -- headache+rheumatism pain that move from the left to the right - palpitations, cardiac stitches, feeling of an enlarged heart, pain in the tip of the heart - thoughts of death, fear of dying [web33]
-- horror dreams [web33]
-- thoughts of death, fear of dying [web33]
Teilen / share:
Heilung durch Nahrung - Heilkräuter, Extrakte, Pulver - alles Bio-Vollkorn, kein weisser Gift-Zucker Rohköstlichkeiten (Kekse, Schokolade, Brote, Oliven, Miso etc.)
Regenwaldprodukte (Kräftigung, Heilung und Prävention)
Algen (Ausleitung, Vitamine, Mineralien, Eiweisse, Nährstoffe)
Energetisierung von Wasser (Blumenmuster, Filteranlagen)
Bücher und DVDs (veganes Kochen, Heilen, Geistiges, günstig!) etc.
Regenbogenkreis - Lübeck - Versand: Ganz Europa
[web01] Homöopathie heilt Eifersucht, Herzleiden, Atemprobleme am Brustkorb mit verdünnten Schlangengiften: https://www.experto.de/gesundheit/homoeopathie/die-schlangenmittel-in-der-homoeopathie.html
[web02] Kleber: AGKISTRODON CONTORTRIX CENCHRIS CONTORTRIX: http://www.naturmedinfo.de/html/cenchris.html
[web03] Grubenotter im Wörterbuch dict.cc: https://www.dict.cc/?s=Grubenotter+
[web04] Mossad-Wikipedia über die Grubenotter: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grubenottern
[web05] Mossad-Wikipedia über die Mokassinschlange: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreieckskopfottern
[web06] Mossad-Wikipedia über Cenchris: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenchris
[web07] Schlussfolgerung von Michael Palomino
[web08] Mossad-Wikipedia über Ovopis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovophis
[web09] Mossad-Wikipedia über Trimeresurus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimeresurus
[web10] Mossad-Wikipedia über die Mokassinschlange: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreieckskopfottern
[web11] Mossad-Wikipedia über den Oberbegriff "Crotalinae": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_viper
[web12] https://die-naturreise.de/blog/cr/wild-gefaehrlich-toedlich
[web13] Mossad-Wikipedia über die Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter
[web14] https://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter
[web15] Grubenottern: https://www.wissen.de/lexikon/grubenottern
[web16] https://www.msdmanuals.com/de-de/heim/kurzinformationen-verletzungen-und-vergiftung/bisse-und-stiche/schlangenbisse
[web17] Identifizierung von Schlangen in Georgia - Wissenschaft - 2022: https://lamscience.com/identification-snakes-georgia
[web18] Zwergklapperschlange (eine Grubenotter): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwergklapperschlange
[web19] Blutkörperchen = Blutzellen: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blutkörperchen
[web20] Diamant-Klapperschlange (eine Grubenotter): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamant-Klapperschlange
[web21] Kupferkopf-Schlangen (eine Grubenotter): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordamerikanischer_Kupferkopf
[web22] Baumwollmaul-Schlange (eine Grubenotter): https://howstuffworks.wiki/de/tiere/wilde-tiere/reptilien/schlangen/water-moccasin-cottonmouth
[web23] Cenchris Contortrix: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathische-mittel/cenchris-contortrix
[web24] Atemnot: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/dyspnoe
[web25] punktartige Schmerzen: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/schmerz-stechend
[web26] Brustschmerzen: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/schmerzen-brust
[web27] Angst im Bett: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/angst-im-bett
[web28] Druck auf den Bauch: https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/verschlimmerung-druck
[web29] https://www.repertorium-online.de/homoeopathie/verschlimmerung-hinlegen
[web30] Deutscher Zentralverein homöopathischer Ärzte (DZVhÄ): Alles über Lachesis muta: https://heilpraktiker.jetzt/homoeopathie-globuli/lachesis/
[web31] Cenchris Contortrix: https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Cench
[web32] Cenchris Contortrix: https://www.provings.info/substanz/cench
[web33] https://www.experto.de/praxistipps/die-schlangenmittel-in-der-homoeopathie.html
[web34] Florida Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon conanti): https://de.abcdef.wiki/wiki/Agkistrodon_piscivorus_conanti
[web35] Coral snakes: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korallenottern
[web36] Korallenotter Micrurus fulvius: https://usasnakes.com/micrurus-fulvius-eastern-coral-snake/
[web37] Korallenotter Micrurus fulvius: https://www.biologie-seite.de/Biologie/Harlekin-Korallenotter
Translation 01: orig. German:
-- "Über 130 Arten verschiedener Schlangen gibt es in Costa Rica
-- Circa 22 Arten Giftschlangen
-- 16 Grubenotterarten mit Gewebe zerstörendem Gift
-- 6 Arten von Giftnattern mit Nervengift, davon leben zwei im Meer
-- Im Jahresdurchschnitt gemeldete Bissunfälle in Costa Rica ca. 500, tödlicher Verlauf ca. 7
-- Gegengift wird in Pferden hergestellt und führt oft zu starken allergischen Reaktionen" [web11]
Translation 02: orig. German:
"Nicht alle Bisse der Grubenotter sind giftig. Wenn der Biss in den ersten 30 bis 60 Minuten nicht wehtut oder anschwillt, haben Sie wahrscheinlich kein Gift abbekommen. Wenn der Biss zu eitern anfängt, kann das auf Gift hindeuten.
Nach einem giftigen Biss von einer Grubenotter werden Sie das Folgende haben:
— Rötung und Schwellung, ca. 30 bis 60 Minuten nach dem Biss
— Blauen Fleck und Spannung, die 3 bis 6 Stunden nach dem Biss auftreten
— Mit Blut gefüllte Blasen neben dem Biss [web16]
Sie können eine starke Schwellung haben. Die Schwellung wird für gewöhnlich einige Tage lang sogar noch schlimmer werden. Wenn Sie viel Gift abbekommen haben, können Sie zudem das Folgende haben:
— Schwäche und Verwirrung
— Übelkeit und Erbrechen
— Zahnfleischbluten
— Blut in Ihrem Erbrochenen, Stuhl oder Urin [weil alle Gefässwände angegriffen werden und Blut von überall her einströmt]
— Atemnot, vor allem, wenn Sie eine Mojave-Klapperschlange gebissen hat [web16]
Stunden später können Sie das Folgende haben:
— Kopfschmerzen
— Verschwommenes Sehen
— Hängende Augenlider
— Mundtrockenheit
— Kribbeln, Taubheit oder einen Metallgeschmack in Ihrem Mund, wenn Sie eine Klapperschlange gebissen hat [web16]
Symptome eines Korallen-Schlangenbisses
— Wenig oder gar keine Schmerzen um den Biss herum
— Mehrere Stunden später kann der Biss zu kribbeln anfangen
— Muskelschwäche, die mit der Zeit zunimmt.
Zudem können Betroffene die folgenden Symptome wahrnehmen:
— Verschwommenes oder Doppeltsehen
— Schwäche und Verwirrung
— Atemnot
— Schwierigkeiten beim Sprechen oder Schlucken." [Lähmung] [web16]
Was muss man nach einer "Coronaimpfung" machen?
"Bei einem giftigen Schlangenbiss wird der Arzt:
— Ihnen in der Regel ein Schlangen-Antivenin (Arzneimittel, das gegen das spezielle Schlangengift wirkt) über eine Infusion (in Ihre Vene) verabreichen
— Sie 6 bis 8 Stunden lang im Krankenhaus behalten und auf Symptome kontrollieren, bei Bedarf auch länger
— Sie an die Intensivstation der Klinik überweisen, wenn Sie eine große Menge Gift abbekommen haben." [web16]
Translaton 03: orig. German:
"Die Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter ist stark giftig, warnt vor dem Giftbiss nicht und stößt auf Entfernungen bis zu einer halben Körperlänge zu. Das Gift hat Gewebe zerstörende und neurotoxische Bestandteile. Es kommt häufig zu Unfällen mit Arbeitern in Bananen- und anderen Plantagen, die aber meist nicht tödlich verlaufen. Das Gift wird aber gerade in der Terrarienhaltung häufig unterschätzt und kann zu Amputationen und schweren Verstümmelungen führen." [web13]
Translation 04: orig. German:
"Bei einem Biss kann Bothriechis schlegelii 10 bis 20 mg Rohgift (Trockengewicht) abgeben. Das Giftsekret enthält vermutlich Hämorrhagine (nicht klinisch relevant) und Prokoagulantien. Enzymatisch zeigen sich caseinolytische Effekte sowie Hyaluronidase- und Phospholipase A2-Aktivität. Nach einem Giftbiss können unter anderem folgende Symptome auftreten:
- Unspezifische Allgemeinsymptome: Kopfschmerz, Abdominalschmerz, Emesis [Erbrechen und Durchfall], Nausea [Übelkeit], Hypotonie [niedriger Blutdruck] Synkope [kurze Bewusstlosigkeit]
- Lokale Effekte: Schmerz, Ödem, Blasenbildung, möglicherweise Nekrose [Absterben von Haut oder Fleischpartien]
- Koagulopathie [keine Blutgerinnung mehr, Wunden bluten ewig] und Hämorrhagien in schweren Fällen [Blutungen nach dem Platzen von Äderchen]
Es wurden geographische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Intensität der Giftwirkung festgestellt. Das Giftsekret von Exemplaren aus Costa Rica erwies sich als toxischer als das Gift von Tieren aus Kolumbien. Im Tierversuch (Maus) wurde für Proben aus Costa Rica eine mittlere Letaldosis von 5,60 mg/kgKG, für Proben aus Kolumbien 9,24 mg/kgKG festgestellt.
Bissunfälle mit Bothriechis schlegelii verlaufen zumeist mild. Schwere systemische Effekte oder Todesfälle sind beim Menschen selten." [web14]
Translation 05: orig. German:
"Nach einem Schlangenbiss treten bei einem vergifteten Menschen zunächst Entzündungen an der Bisswunde mit bläulich-roter Verfärbung, Schwellungen, Schmerzen und Berührungsempfindlichkeit auf. Dazu gesellen sich Symptome wie Benommenheit, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Darmkrämpfe mit wässrigem Durchfall und starke Schweißausbrüche. In der nächsten Phase entstehen Gerinnungsstörungen mit traubenartigen Blutgerinnseln und Zersetzung des Blutes sowie Infektionen und Gewebsnekrosen. Aus verschiedenen Körperöffnungen fließt Blut, die Reflexe erhöhen sich, dann kommt es zu Lähmungen und zum Stillstand. Wird der Schlangenbiss nicht schnellstmöglich medizinisch behandelt, sterben Menschen in den meisten Fällen an der Vergiftung oder Entzündung der Wunde." [web30]
Translation 06: orig. German:
"Das Gift der Zwergklapperschlangen entspricht in seiner Grundzusammensetzung dem der Klapperschlangen und ist wie die meisten Viperngifte hämotoxisch, es zerstört also Blutzellen und die Wände der Blutgefäße. Hämotoxine führen vor allem zu Gewebszerstörungen, inneren Blutungen und Schwellungen und sind sehr schmerzhaft, im Vergleich zu den meisten Neurotoxinen töten sie allerdings weniger schnell. Im Gegensatz zu den Giften der Klapperschlangen sind die der Zwergklapperschlangen weit weniger gut erforscht. Die Zwergklapperschlange produziert nur verhältnismäßig kleine Giftmengen und hat relativ kurze Giftzähne, die nicht sehr weit in das Gewebe eindringen. Die Wirkungen bestehen im Regelfall aus lokalen Schwellungen, Schmerzen und einer allgemeinen Übelkeit." [web18]
Translation 07: orig. German:
"Als größte Klapperschlange hat die Diamant-Klapperschlange auch eine größere Giftmenge als alle anderen Arten der Gattung. Das Gift greift die roten Blutkörperchen an und zerstört sie, außerdem führt es zu Gewebezerstörungen im Bereich der Bissstelle, die stark anschwillt. Wird der Biss nicht behandelt, kann er sehr schwere Folgen für den Patienten haben und sogar zum Tod führen." [web20]
Translation 08: orig. German:
"Die Harlekin-Korallenotter verfügt über ein äußerst starkes Schlangengift, das sich in erster Linie aus Proteinen zusammensetzt, darunter ein Enzym der Phospholipase A₂-Gruppe, welches für myotoxische Eigenschaften des Giftes verantwortlich ist und zur Zerstörung quergestreifter Muskelfasern (Rhabdomyolyse) führen kann. Als indirekte Folge der Rhabdomyolyse können auch Nierenschäden nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Außerdem wirkt das Gift postsynaptisch als Nervengift (Neurotoxin). Nach einem Biss treten typische Vergiftungssymptome in Form von Schwellung und Schmerzen rund um die Bissstelle sowie Magen-Darm-Beschwerden auf. Es folgen neben Muskelschmerzen neurologische und zentralnervöse Beschwerden, insbesondere rasch einsetzende Lähmungserscheinungen. Unbehandelt kann innerhalb von 36 Stunden der Tod durch Atemlähmung eintreten. Behandelt wird je nach Zustand des Patienten mit speziellen Antiveninen.[3] Neben polyvalenten Immunseren steht das spezifische Serum „Wyeth Antivenin Micrurus fulvius“ zur Verfügung.[4] Trotz der starken Giftigkeit sind Bissunfälle durch diese Schlange sehr selten. " [web37]
Translation 09: orig. German:
"Zum Glück gibt es ein Gegengift. Wenn Sie gebissen werden, suchen Sie sofort einen Arzt auf, wie dies bei jedem Schlangenbiss empfohlen wird.
[1] Zwergklapperschlange: https://alchetron.com/Sistrurus-miliarius-barbouri
[2] Diamant-Klapperschlange: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/411727590925976562/
[3] Kupferkopfschlange (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster): https://www.deviantart.com/shaggz86/art/Agkistrodon-contortrix-phaeogaster-juvenile-465718923
[4] Florida Baumwollmaulschlange (Florida Cottonmouth):
[5] Greifschwanz-Lanzenotter (Bothriechis schlegelii): https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2017/07/09/bothriechis-schlegelii-the-eyelash-viper/
[6] Buschmeisterschlange (Lachesis muta): https://manual-ofidico.blogspot.com/2013/09/lachesis-muta.html