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Note: coffee is damaging - damaging coffee 01 - bye bye coffee!
Toxic coffee - highly toxic coffee with caffeine - coffee damage - caffeine damage

Pesticide glyphosate on coffee beans and in the coffee for cancer, infertility, kidney damage, rash etc. - aging - skin wrinkles - insulin output - formation of stress hormones - coffee with caffeine makes aggressive - long coffee transports provoke much CO2 - coffee plantations = MONOplantations - caffeine in coffee (most in mocha coffee): all the body is contaminated with caffeine then - heart rate increase - blood pressure increase - bronchi dilate - intestines more active - increased kidney activity with permanent diuretic effect: dehydration provokes wrinkled dwarfs and wrinkled ants with walking skeletons - the nervous system is completely contaminated with caffeine - sleep problems - coffee addiction=caffeine addiction - all natural healing teas are eliminated from the restaurants by coffee - coffee provokes stupidity - Nanotechnology and graphene in coffee - caffeine makes aggressive

Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH
                        with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]


presented by Michael Palomino

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Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH
                          with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]

TOXIC COFFEE - the List: Harmful Effects of Toxic Coffee
-- pesticides (glyphosate etc.)
-- big wrinkles
-- there are always the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline and all the organs are always hyperactive and over-stressed
-- especially the liver and the kidneys are always hyperactive and cause too much urge to urinate and drainage of the body
-- in the old age, coffee addicted people will have a complete dehydration of the whole body with its organs and skin with deep wrinkles like canyons, so, in the end, the coffee drinkers are only swaying skeletons with skin and bones
-- long transport routes for an extremely toxic and superfluous beverage called "coffee" from MONOplantations where the soil gets weak and fauna is restricted
-- there is no deep sleep any more and therefore natural recovery is missing during the sleep
-- coffee drinkers develop a fake pride with eternal euphoria and arrogance with coffee against people who don't drink coffee and against the planet, against the protection of the environment, consuming a product that is not from the region, or at least from the same continent, AND it is even highly toxic, AND they do not know where their cancer comes from, etc.
-- the knowledge about the natural medicine with teas is being lost, the coffee drinkers are often getting stupid and make even propaganda against natural medicine because they would have to stop drinking their inefficient and highly toxic coffee first.

Status 11-07-2024 - 2x sunflower + 2x force + 2x palmtree [2]
Link: http://www.med-etc.com/med/merk/merkblatt-kaffee-schadet-01-ENGL-coffee-damaging.html

Harmful coffee on Aug 2, 2020: Pesticide "Glyphosate" is in conventional coffee because the plantations are sprayed: plant killer, insect killer, cancer provoker - also in cereals and in wine:
Contaminated coffee: high amounts of the toxic weed killer glyphosate detected in coffee
(orig. German: Verseuchter Kaffee: hohe Mengen des giftigen Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat in Kaffee nachgewiesen)

Coffee is absolutely toxic,
                            FINISH with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]

Translation with Deepl:

New test results have shown that many coffee beans, including those of well-known brands, contain high levels of the toxic weedkiller "glyphosate".02.08.2020

Contaminated coffee? High levels of the toxic weedkiller glyphosate detected in coffee

New test results have shown that many coffee beans, including coffee from well-known brands, contain high levels of the toxic weedkiller "glyphosate".

For those of you who have not yet heard of the most controversial pesticide: Glyphosate has been used under a different name in fields in many countries around the world for decades. In 2016 in particular, the product received a lot of attention when it came to the question of whether the product, which has been linked to increased cancer cases in agriculture (especially in Latin America and the USA), should continue to be used in the EU. Unfortunately, the continued use of the toxic product was in fact questionably permitted until 2022.

Use of the plant "protectant"

To destroy weeds, the herbicide is sprayed over large areas of fields. "Weeds" - and any other greenery such as herbs, flowers or grass - die immediately, and the fields are "ready" for sowing the actual "products". But of course the poisonous agent not only kills the "weeds", it also settles in the soil, where other things grow later. This means that the poison ends up in our food. Of course, this not only affects coffee, but also cereal products, wine, etc.

The effect on humans and the environment - [glyphosate is killing many insects away]

First of all, the substance contaminates our soil and thus harms nature and wildlife. The substance is also blamed for the high level of insect mortality. Does anyone still remember: when you used to drive your car across the country, after a while the windshields were dirty, sticky from the thousands of small insects that hit the windows... Today the windows stay clean - yay, the insects no longer exist.

But glyphosate also poses a danger to us humans:
According to new findings, the substance interferes with our hormone system and lowers our reproductive capacity. The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the WHO (World Health Organization) classifies the substance as "probably carcinogenic". However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment classifies the substance as harmless, which is why it can continue to be used.

The solution: the pure purity of nature

Even if opinions differ on the harmfulness - one thing is certain: Anything that kills plants and insects cannot be good for humans!

To be on the safe side, you should therefore only buy organic [coffee].
Our store only sells organically grown coffees - with a large selection of different flavors. In addition to organic certification, our coffee has also been gently roasted for a long time on small farms. So it doesn't get any better than that :)

[SOMETHING IS MISSING here: Organic coffee is NOT acceptable
-- because of the poisonous effects of caffeine
-- because of the long transports across whole continents for a TOXIC beverage (!)].

Harmful coffee worldwide 3.7.2022: promotes aging, skin wrinkles, wrinkles, insulin output, formation of stress hormones:
Too much coffee promotes wrinkles
(orig. German: Zu viel Kaffee fördert Falten)

Coffee is
                                absolutely toxic, FINISH with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]

Translation with Deepl:

without date; first registered in the internet archive on July 3, 2022

Photo text: Drinking more than two cups of coffee a day accelerates aging. The coffee kick causes insulin to be released, which triggers inflammatory skin processes. Coffee also activates the production of stress hormones [cortisol and adrenaline].

The article:

Ok, we know it's Monday morning and you urgently need your coffee, but not in huge quantities, because excessive coffee consumption promotes the formation of wrinkles and we don't want that, do we?

Too much coffee promotes wrinkles

Drinking more than two cups of coffee a day accelerates aging. The coffee kick causes an insulin surge, which triggers inflammatory skin processes. Coffee also activates the production of stress hormones [adrenaline and norepinephrine].

But you should also be careful with orange juice, which is often recommended as very healthy and should also not be consumed in excess.

[Orange juice? Oranges also have pesticides!]

WARNING on 31.1.2023: Coffee with caffeine makes you aggressive - especially men - study by the University of Bristol (GB):
Coffee reduces the ability to work in a team

Author: Center of Health (orig. German: Zentrum der Gesundheit)

In a study, a coffee break during work could not - as one would have expected - relax the employees. Because the coffee break reduced her ability to work in a team. Men in particular were more aggressive and tense after the caffeine kick.

Coffee breaks provide more tension
Actually, it is believed that coffee reduces stress and an appropriate break is therefore highly recommended. However, in one study, it was observed that personal relationships became even more tense after drinking the popular drink and that men in particular showed a slight aggressiveness and tended to speak much louder.

Stress levels rise - [the University of Bristol study]
At a workshop at Bristol University, one participant reported on his experiences with his colleagues during a stay in the United States. Since coffee was a permanently available drink in all places, it was also consumed particularly frequently and in large quantities by his colleagues.
He noticed that the stress level of his colleagues increased noticeably, which ultimately had a negative effect on the team spirit and thus on their work. They clearly attributed this development to high caffeine consumption.
A study was then launched at Bristol University to investigate the links between coffee consumption, stress levels and work relationships. Some of the study participants repeatedly received a drink containing 200 mg of caffeine (equivalent to about 2 cups of espresso), while the other part received a decaffeinated drink each.

Men react more intensely to coffee - [selfish, difficulty finding words, higher heart rate]
The most significant effects were seen in men. Under the influence of caffeine, they were significantly less adaptable, they had more difficulty articulating themselves in public and also had an increased heart rate. Surprisingly, the ability of both groups to concentrate was quite comparable.

[BBC News report: Lots of caffeine coffee can provoke nervousness, insomnia+vomiting]
Another report by BBC News confirms that too much coffee can lead to symptoms such as restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, nausea or vomiting.
These reactions can occur as little as 7 cups of coffee a day, which is a completely normal amount for many people - although individual sensitivity varies, of course. Some people show corresponding reactions even at a lower amount, while others have no noticeable effects even with an even higher consumption. Basically, however, caffeine has a strong addictive effect on everyone, which makes it difficult to do without.
The highest caffeine content is found in filter coffee. A single cup contains about 120 mg of caffeine, the instant version contains about 75 mg of caffeine per cup and a small cup of espresso contains 107 mg of caffeine.

WEF in Davos on Jan 22, 2024: Someone says that coffee is a problem with long transports provoking much CO2 - Swiss banker Hubert Keller:
The World Economic Forum is now turning its attention to the popular drug of coffee - the drug of the working class
(orig. German: Das Weltwirtschaftsforum richtet nun sein Augenmerk auf die allgegenwärtige Volksdroge der Arbeiterklasse – den Kaffee)

Coffee is absolutely toxic,
                            FINISH with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]

Translation with Deepl:


In a public discussion entitled: "Putting a price on nature", Mr. Hubert Keller, a Swiss banker and contributor to the Agenda [criminal Agenda 2030], explains: "The coffee we all consume causes between 15 and 20 tons of CO2 per ton [because of transportation with ships over the oceans]. Every sip of coffee basically means releasing CO2 into the atmosphere."

Video excerpt: Banker Hubert Keller is speaking about harmful coffee production: there is a lack of integration into the natural cycle:
24'25'' to
-- there is the damage to nature caused by coffee and at the same time coffee is a business
-- the production of one ton of coffee causes 15 to 20 tons of CO2, and usually in a MONOculture, so that the quality of the coffee bean is decreasing [by pesticides contaminating the soil and by the MONOplantation principle which is impoverishing the soil when only one plant is planted] (25'25'')
-- the coffee plantations are more in the global South, coffee is a 250 billion [dollar] market, but less than 10% of it goes to the actual producers, but the profit is simply made by cheap buying and expensive selling, most people who work on coffee plantations are poor (26'24'')
-- coffee production must therefore be integrated into nature and produced in a climate-friendly way so that the value chain becomes positive (27'10'')
-- a coffee plantation must therefore consist of a fully regenerative cycle in terms of CO2, positive for nature and biodiversity (27'20'')
-- and this restructuring should not cause any price increases, but the integration into the natural cycle should go at no extra charge (27'33'')

Coffee beans only grow in tropical or subtropical climates. The only way to avoid the long transports for coffee to other climates is to replace the coffee with local beverages, which are NOT coffee.
Michael Palomino - July 11, 2024].

Coffee facts on April 18, 2024: Coffee-addicted Europe should immediately stop harmful coffee - because of chronic lack of sleep and dehydration! - Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer:
Video: Don't drink coffee before you've seen this video (important!) (17'34'')
(orig. German: Video: Trinken Sie keinen Kaffee mehr bevor Sie dieses Video gesehen haben (wichtig!) (17'34'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHz7wWtjW-8 - YouTube channel: Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer - uploaded on Dec 24, 2024

Coffee is absolutely toxic,
                            FINISH with it!
Coffee is absolutely toxic, FINISH with it! [1]


Blessed are the tea drinkers with peppermint tea, chamomile tea and star anise!

Translation with Deepl:

Website: https://www.holistic.house/ by Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer:
Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer is a doctor and specialist in the holistic medicine of Ayurveda. He was one of the first two Western medical practitioners to learn Ayurveda from the most important Vaidyas (doctors) in India in the 1980s.

Video minutes:

Germany is addicted to coffee - but the worst is Luxembourg, then comes Holland and Scandinavia
Germany: has 72% coffee addicts "who start the day with a cup of coffee" (7'') -- October 1st is the "Day of Coffee" (17'') -- the population in Germany drinks an average of 450 cups of coffee [per year - including children and babies] (24'') -- this corresponds to approx. 5.4 kg of coffee per person [per year - including children and babies], 480. 000 tons per year for the whole of Germany (36'') -- the coffee addicts drink on average 4 cups of coffee per day (39'') -- the addiction to coffee is the number 1 addiction in Germany, even before beer or mineral water (48'') -- [comparing the percentage quote in the population], Germany as a whole is only in 8th place in Europe with coffee drinking, because first place has Luxembourg, then Holland, and then come the Scandinavian countries (58'')

-- Website: holistic.house (1'35'')

Origin: Coffee from Ethiopia and Mohammed fantasy Arabia, Persia and the Turkish Empire - and the Jesus fantasy "Christians" adopt it in Europe
-- the origin of coffee is said to be Kaffa [Province] in western Ethiopia, then coffee came to Arabia in the 14th century, in the 16th century coffee was introduced to the Persian and Ottoman empires (1'53'') -- then introduced to Europe - in the 17th century the upper class went to "coffee houses" to enjoy themselves there, but the whole population also drank more and more coffee (2'8'')

Cultivation of coffee beans - types, varieties, preparation methods
-- Cultivation: The coffee bean was cultivated in the [brutal] colonies on [inhumane, murderous] MONOplantations, in the Caribbean and in South "America" [first the natives there were exterminated and then African slaves were imported for working 12 hours in the hot sun without a hat - it was torture without end] (2'16'') -- Types of coffee: There are approx. 90 different types of coffee beans, the best known are the varieties "Arabica" and "Robusta", the varieties "Excelsa" and "Iberica" are much less in use (2'36'') -- "Arabica" is the most original and most popular coffee bean, and the taste is very different from variety to variety (2'45'') -- coffee varieties within the coffee types differ by different cultivation + processing methods as well as roasting methods (type of roasting and intensity of roasting), so there are lots of "taste nuances" (3'7'') -- and the preparation is different again: Filter coffee, espresso, capuccino (1/3 espresso + 2/3 milk foam), milk coffee (50% coffee + 50% milk), latte marchiato (1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk, 1/3 milk foam), (3'30'')

Ingredient caffeine: The mocha coffee has the most in it
-- Caffeine content: Mocha coffee contains more than twice as much caffeine than an espresso (3'36'') -- 25ml espresso contains 30mg caffeine - 25ml mocha contains 65mg caffeine (3'49'')
[-- coffee plantations are sprayed with pesticides, so that coffee beans are highly contaminated with pesticides, and this is NOT mentioned]

The tolerance of toxic coffee: filter coffee is filtered - drum roasting is less hot
-- The Harvard Medical School [Boston region, "USA"] once carried out a study, led by Walter Willet, to investigate which preparation method is the healthiest: filter coffee is the most compatible, because the filter filters out harmful substances, e.g. Diterpenes, which are produced by industrial roasting and increase the cholesterol level (4'19'') -- industrial roasting can also provoke high blood pressure (4'24'') -- therefore coffee from drum roasting is healthier, because the temperature is then lower than hot air roasting [industrial roasting] (4'33'') --
-- the taste of the coffee varieties: The aromas are only created during roasting "by the so-called Mear reaction, which is also responsible for the formation of AGEs" (4'52'')
-- the longer the roasting, the less acidity, the more bitter substances are produced, the amount of remaining acidity must not be too much or too little (5'18'') - the aroma is strongest after medium roasting, with too much roasting the aroma decreases again, the aroma is complexly composed (5'27'')
-- Aromas of coffee can be floral, fruity, chocolaty or nutty etc. (5'35'')

Ingredients of coffee beans: actually coffee plant is a medicinal plant - but combined with caffeine it is very harmful!
-- Ingredients of coffee: magnesium, potassium, vitamin B3, many secondary plant substances, e.g. polyphenols and alkaloids (5'52'')
-- anti-inflammatory antioxidants, they should protect against free radicals (5'57'')
-- coffee has a positive effect on intestinal health, on sugar metabolism and solid metabolism, and stimulates the entire metabolism and is an aid in weight loss (6'24'')
-- coffee can inhibit a protein that "has a decisive influence on the aging process" (6'35'') -- mTor is switched off by coffee (6'54'') -- so coffee can be classified as a medicinal plant (7'0'').

But now there is a "but":

Ingredient caffeine: contaminates the whole body, makes the body hyperactive, including the kidneys: stress hormones cortisol+adrenaline provoke hyperactivity of all organs - dehydration comes!
-- caffeine is a psychoactive substance, acts on the brain, a "noticeable effect" comes when the quantity reaches 150 to 200mg of caffeine (7'23'')
-- 1 cup of coffee contains between 50 and 100mg of caffeine (7'30'')
-- so 2 to 3 cups then have an effect on the brain: "Increase in brain tone: This means: ability to concentrate - memory capacity - mood improve" [the following behavior then arises: always laughing at others and there develops a noble, racist mentality against people who DO NOT drink coffee - danger of megalomania!] (7'44'')
-- caffeine also stimulates the cardiovascular system: Heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, the bronchi dilate, the intestines become more active: "Peristalsis and fluid excretion increase" (7'59'')
-- people with a sick cardiovascular system such as high blood pressure [due to calcium deposits in the venous-arterial system], then one should not drink much coffee and other caffeinated drinks (8'9 '')

-- the caffeine gets into the intestine, from there very quickly into the blood, the maximum effect with "maximum concentration occurs after 15 to 20 minutes" (8'21'')
-- all organs, tissues and the brain are contaminated with caffeine (8'28'')
-- the effect of caffeine is dependent on "adenosine receptors", this is not a problem because caffeine is similar to the messenger substance adenosine (8'43'')
-- where there are receptors for adenosine, caffeine also docks and works, e.g. in all muscles, which then have more basic tension and activity (8'59 '')
-- Caffeine in the adrenal gland releases the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, heartbeat + blood pressure increase, the kidneys increase their activity and filter functions, has a diuretic effect and the coffee monkeys suffer from dehydration - [but then the Dr. seems to be bribed by the coffee industry and says]: this warning against dehydration "no longer corresponds to the state of science" [???!!!] (9'26'')

Ingredient caffeine: contaminates the brain and hinders sleep - caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain - the wake-up effect of coffee is over after the fourth day
-- the brain has plenty of adenosine receptors where the caffeine can dock, the caffeine contaminates the entire central nervous system CNS and makes the coffee buffalo very tired at the end "and increases the sleep pressure" (9'42 '')
-- the sleep hormone is melatonin (formed in the pineal gland) - and there is the messenger substance adenosine, both together cause a good sleep (9'54 '')
-- now caffeine blocks adenosine and simulates being adenosine itself, blocks the adenosine receptors, thus slowing down the effect of adenosine, and so the feeling of never being tired comes about (10'23'')
-- this is the case until the caffeine is broken down (10'27'')
-- caffeine has a half-life of 3 to 7 hours, so with caffeine you can stay awake for a long time [when you should actually be asleep] (10'43'')
-- if people have slept well and are naturally awake, then caffeine does not make people even more "awake" and even more "concentrated", this was proven in a study at the Jülich Research Center, where the subjects slept at least 8 hours a night (10'58'')

-- cognitive performance did not improve with coffee
-- in people with a lack of sleep of only 5 hours per night, significantly worse cognitive performance was observed, the coffee with 3 cups of coffee then improved cognitive performance and they were as efficient as well-rested subjects (11'16 '')
-- but if you maintain the stress too long, then the coffee no longer has a performance-enhancing effect after 3 days: "Already after 3 days this performance-enhancing effect of coffee stopped" (11'26'')
-- after 4 days coffee does NOT compensate for the sleep deficit anymore (11'35'')
-- coffee addiction: coffee addicts with a lot of coffee every day are no longer awake in the morning without coffee, so they need their "appropriate caffeine dose" to bring their attention and ability to concentrate to a normal level (11'51'')
-- these coffee monkeys need 4 to 5 cups of filter coffee per day or the equivalent of 450mg of caffeine per day (12'1'')
-- in the brain 50% of the adenosine receptors are then occupied (12'10'')
-- Effects on different people: Body type and needs are different, so the coffee monkeys must recognize which type they are and thus do more for their health (12'39'') -- so you can realign your lifestyle and make it healthy (12'50'')

Many coffee drinkers have a notorious lack of sleep: The gene "Adora 2a" determines sensitivity to caffeine
-- some people with caffeinated coffee cannot sleep at all, even if the last coffee was at 3 pm (12'57'')
-- other people can still drink 2 espressos in the evening and sleep well (13'9'')
-- why is that so? This is genetically determined, the decisive gene is called "Adora 2a" (13'16''). Depending on the expression of the "Adora 2a" gene, people are sensitive or not sensitive to caffeine (13'29''). People with an insensitive "Adora 2a" gene can drink coffee as much as they want, they can always sleep (13'34'')
-- with normal people, coffee shortens the duration of sleep and deep sleep (13'43'')
-- highly sensitive people sleep worse, even if the last coffee was at noon or before (13'53'')
-- these are the results of studies from the sleep laboratory (13'59''). Coffee monkeys sleep badly: This is ALWAYS the case: The studies from the [German] town of Jülich also recorded "how quickly the test persons recovered from a sleep deficit" (14'21''). The test persons with 5 hours of sleep for 5 nights were able to sleep in again on the sixth night (14'28'')
-- the group without coffee "recovered significantly better from sleep deprivation on the 6th night than the group that had received daily caffeinated coffee." (14'41'')
-- this means: the "restful weekend" is LESS restful for coffee drinkers than for people with healthy drinks (14'53''). Caffeine addiction apparently disturbs sleep permanently [in all normally sensitive and hypersensitive coffee drinkers] (14'59''). The caffeine addicts fall asleep later, have fewer deep sleep phases, have a lighter sleep, or "wake up more often during the night". (15'8'')

Advice from Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer: 1. only organic filter coffee - 2. drink 0 coffee for healthy sleep - 3. sensitive people drink their last coffee at noon - 4. stay 1.5 hours without coffee in the morning - 5. air type and fire type only little coffee

[Best is to drink NO coffee, but when you drink coffee, then]:

1. Drink always filter coffee that is not industrially roasted, but comes from drum roasting (15'26'') -- this is the most digestible coffee, the type of roasting should be indicated on the packaging (15'33'')
2. Reduce coffee consumption "in principle" because the quality of sleep is reduced, and thus all repair [and recovery] processes during sleep are also reduced (15'50'')
3. People with a sensitive reaction to coffee [or caffeine], then it is enough to take the last coffee of the day at lunchtime (15'59'')
4. Reducing coffee consumption is e.g. to drink the first cup of coffee 60 to 90 minutes after getting up (16'11'') -- this is the best way to increase the performance of cortisol and caffeine (16'22'') -- Dr. Bauhofer recommends 1 glass of warm lemon water at the beginning of the day (16'37'')
5. From Ayurveda: The air types and fire types should drink little coffee, everyone should know their own body type (17'5''). So the caffeine junkies should now wean themselves off [heal themselves from coffee] (17'26'').

Comment: Coffee beans 1) with pesticides - 2) long transportation routes - 3) wrinkled faces - 4) medicinal teas have been pushed back since the 17th century
And there is more to mention:
1) Pesticides: Coffee bean plantations in the tropics or subtropics are usually sprayed with pesticides, so coffee is usually also contaminated with pesticides - cancer? Infertility? Kidney and liver damage? Rash?
2) Long transportation routes: Coffee beans have long transportation routes that are not necessary with other beverages. The coffee beans occupy ship capacities that could be used much better, provoke higher ship transport costs, and provoke CO2 from long voyages on the seas that is not at all needed. And
3) Wrinkled faces: I can now see exactly which older person always drinks coffee. With age, everything contracts in the body and the skin, and the skin wrinkles miserably. Old coffee drinkers are like a walking skeleton. Coffee drinkers find this "normal". My advice: replace coffee with lemon water or tea blends (peppermint + chamomile + star anise etc.). And:
4) Coffee makes people stupid and the knowledge of natural tea medicine is lost: In Europe, coffee has pushed all other drinks and teas and also the healing knowledge about the various teas into the background since the 17th century. The coffee monkeys hardly know anything about natural medicine because they don't learn anything about healing teas. This is so positive, because in the event of an illness, the coffee addicts simply don't know anything about the healing effects of teas or of natural medicine, because they have only enjoyed the caffeine euphoria the whole time. Then comes the moment of truth: they do NOT know how to heal themselves. The stupid coffee addicts then remain stupid and leave earlier than many tea drinkers who know about the healing effects of teas and about natural medicine. And for the healing effect of many remedies one has to stop caffeine consumption or you die earlier. Have a nice day without coffee!

Michael Palomino NEVER DRINK + ALWAYS PAY CASH - April 18, 2024 / June 17, 2024

WARNING on July 23, 2024: Nanotechnology and graphene in coffee - caffeine makes aggressive+splits the feelings
from Sananda
Vaccine damage Switzerland Corona vaccination, [23.07.2024 21:47]

Translation with Bing Translator:

-Attention: THEY pack more and more nanos and graphene into all types of coffee! There are more and more coffee offers, everywhere, in all variations!! Pay attention!! Don't drink coffee, and no caffeine! No matter which one!! That's the worst stuff there is! Coffee, caffeine, and aspirin is full of nanos!! This massively attracts occupations, makes you aggressive, separates you from your feelings!! Together with alcohol and sugar, this destroys you permanently!! Don't consume anymore! Greetings Sananda

Teilen / share:


Pesticide glyphosate on coffee beans and in the coffee for cancer, infertility, kidney damage, rash etc. - aging - skin wrinkles - insulin output - formation of stress hormones - long coffee transports provoke much CO2 - coffee plantations = MONOplantations - caffeine in coffee (most in mocha coffee): all the body is contaminated with caffeine then - heart rate increase - blood pressure increase - bronchi dilate - intestines more active - increased kidney activity with permanent diuretic effect: dehydration provokes wrinkled dwarfs and wrinkled ants with walking skeletons - the nervous system is completely contaminated with caffeine - sleep problems - coffee addiction=caffeine addiction - all natural healing teas are eliminated from the restaurants by coffee - coffee provokes stupidity -- Harmful coffee on Aug 2, 2020: Pesticide "Glyphosate" is in conventional coffee because the plantations are sprayed: plant killer, insect killer, cancer provoker - also in cereals and in wine: Contaminated coffee: high amounts of the toxic weed killer glyphosate detected in coffee (orig. German: Verseuchter Kaffee: hohe Mengen des giftigen Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat in Kaffee nachgewiesen) -- Harmful coffee worldwide 3.7.2022: promotes aging, skin wrinkles, wrinkles, insulin output, formation of stress hormones: Too much coffee promotes wrinkles (orig. German: Zu viel Kaffee fördert Falten) -- WEF in Davos on Jan 22, 2024: Someone says that coffee is a problem with CO2 - Swiss banker Hubert Keller: The World Economic Forum is now turning its attention to the popular drug of coffee - the drug of the working class (orig. German: Das Weltwirtschaftsforum richtet nun sein Augenmerk auf die allgegenwärtige Volksdroge der Arbeiterklasse – den Kaffee) -- Coffee facts on April 18, 2024: Coffee-addicted Europe should immediately stop harmful coffee - because of chronic lack of sleep and dehydration! - Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer: Video: Don't drink coffee before you've seen this video (important!) (17'34'') (orig. German: Video: Trinken Sie keinen Kaffee mehr bevor Sie dieses Video gesehen haben (wichtig!) (17'34'') -- Germany is addicted to coffee - but the worst is Luxembourg, then comes Holland and Scandinavia -- Origin: Coffee from Ethiopia and Mohammed fantasy Arabia, Persia and the Turkish Empire - and the Jesus fantasy "Christians" adopt it in Europe -- Cultivation of coffee beans - types, varieties, preparation methods -- Ingredient caffeine: The mocha coffee has the most in it -- The tolerance of toxic coffee: filter coffee is filtered - drum roasting is less hot -- Ingredients of coffee beans: actually coffee plant is a medicinal plant - but combined with caffeine it is very harmful! -- Ingredient caffeine: contaminates the whole body, makes the body hyperactive, including the kidneys: Dehydration comes! -- Ingredient caffeine: contaminates the brain and hinders sleep - caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain - the wake-up effect of coffee is over after the fourth day -- Many coffee drinkers have a notorious lack of sleep: The gene "Adora 2a" determines sensitivity to caffeine -- Advice from Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer: 1. only organic filter coffee - 2. drink 0 coffee for healthy sleep - 3. sensitive people drink their last coffee at noon - 4. stay 1.5 hours without coffee in the morning - 5. air type and fire type only little coffee -- Comment: Coffee beans 1) with pesticides - 2) long transportation routes - 3) wrinkled faces - 4) medicinal teas have been pushed back since the 17th century --

Photo sources
[1] FINISH with coffee: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/kaffee-tasse-trinken-getränk-7292250/
[2] 2x sunflower + 2x force + 2x palmtree: Telegram
