Soil and water -- soccer field -- inflatable soccer field -- table-top football -- Tipp-Kick football -- combi courts - movement court - basket ball court and street ball -- volleyball field, street volleyball, beach volleyball - hockey, street hockey, table hockey - traffic parks - skateparks for skating, biking and scooting -- water plays
Soccer field with painted side fence at Kitawa School in Salasaca, Ecuador
Street ball field 01 in red (tartan field) with big bench in Lausa, region of Dresden
Volley ball on a lawn in Dammweg Park in Berlin-Neukoelln
Roller skate hockey with gloves, no location
Traffic park 06 with go-cart, bike and traffic light, Linz-Urfahr, Austria
Biking with a turn of 180 degrees 04, Horfield, Bristol, England
Water plays 01, raft on Lake of Zurich
Analysis by Michael Palomino (2012)
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Soil of fields and courts - and water
The soil of the fields and courts - and sport shoes
The soil of the fields and courts should not be a hard concrete and not a hard asphalt either, but it should be a soft tartan pavement. When there is a hard concrete or asphalt pavement the children have to have good sport shoes so there will not be joint damages, and the manner of playing has to be very careful evading hard accidents with injuries or broken bones. Soccer (futbol) is very dangerous for the knees because of it's fast starts and breaks during the runs of the game, and who is playing soccer for years on hard asphalt or concrete pavements has to accept corresponding knee damages.
Basketball hoops for children should be installed lower, the goals for children soccer have to be adapted to their size. Table tennis for children should be more little as normally.
Water source next to field and courts
Ideally next to a sportive side respectively next to a field or a court there should be a drinking water source not only for drinking, but also for washing the complete head and for drowning the cap into the water putting the wet cap on the head evading any heatstroke.
Soccer field
A soccer field must not be too big for children and youths. The goals have to have about half of the normal size. Add to this the pavement should not be too hard, and should dry fast after a rainfall, so there should be a tartan pavement or an artificial lawn. When there is a concrete or asphalt pavement, then good sport shoes have to be used protecting the knee joints.
Soccer grounds (GB: football grounds) - wild soccer / football fields
For children only two little goals and a playable surface have to exist, so, without any puddle or stones. Then the play can begin. Sidelines and center lines or penalty area do not exist, as also fouls do not exist.
Well, when such wild soccer grounds are also in a little depression with some shadow, also a side fence is not necessary.
Soccer ground at youth at youth center of Haidburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany [s010]
The goal in the background is a goal wall like in "Sport Studio" of German ZDF TV. Well, the good soccer players from Brazil learn soccer also without this goal wall...
Soccer ground at nature lover's house in Elmstein in Rhineland Palatinate, Germany [s011]
Soccer ground with girl's soccer at Playhouse Medinghoven in Bonn, Germany [s012]
Sometimes girls want to play without boys, and the boys have to understand this because this is good for the development of the self consciousness of the girls - but should not be fanatic converting the girls into hyenas. And girls are memorizing very well which boy accepts the girl's play and which boy not. So, this is also a "reaction test"...
Inflatable soccer fields
Inflatable soccer field 01, Oppermann Events, Germany [s013]
Inflatable soccer field 02 for children, ebay [s014]
Inflatable goals, mail order selling aufblasbares.de [s015]
Well, this goal seems to be very light and removable only usable for hockey with a light little ball. Better a stable goal for soccer!
Mini soccer field: table football
For youths table football is something for the cold season, or during breaks in schools, or for holiday camps.
Table soccer 01 in a play hall in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany [s016]
Table soccer 02, secondary school of Lindlar, NRW, Germany [s017]
There are many different models
Table soccer is a mini playing field for soccer from 10 or 11 years on, by the boys with passion, by the girls as a variation of life and to see "how the boys are behaving". There are very different models of table soccer, for 2 to 8 players (XXL), with different distributions of players (strong defense, strong forwards) a.s.o., also in any price level. One also can double the number of players when any player is using only one hand. And boys and girls are absolutely with equal rights.
Table football 03, a mini table football for only 2 players, without a goalkeeper, Yatego mail order selling [s018]
Table football 04 in an XXL size for 8 persons, Yatego mail order selling [s019]
Table football "Garlando G1000" in a Ralley design, Yatego mail order selling [s020]
A table soccer (British: table football) on a playground should not be a big thing principally when the table football is roofed - and above all it would not be any big thing in regions and countries where is hardly any rain. Simply has to be fixed well (because of theft) and has to be maintained from time to time. The playing persons also can bring their own balls as it is with table tennis. But I never saw any table football on a playground, only in public bathes or in restaurants, mostly with slot machine and with the compulsory payment of every game, and therefore there is not much joy because the play will finish soon.
Balls can be bought in different colors and materials, and also the poles are in different qualities. There even exist gloves for table soccer.
"Weatherproof" installations panes of glass
"Weatherproof" table soccer should not be in the rain, because the word of "weatherproof" does not refer to the rain for sure. There are many screws and hooks and so on, and at any corner corrosion can begin, or even poles can corrode and can break - also when poles should be especially "stable". Glassed table soccer should be "weatherproof" but has an unreal effect and the play is not felt directly any more. That means that a roofed location with direct access to the playing field is really better than a table soccer with a "glassed field".
Colors of the balls - no hard balls
The balls of table soccer are to have in different colors and designs, and hard popping balls should not be used because many persons don't want a popping game, above all not in restaurants or in parks. Therefore in public locations solid rubber tires should be used. Popping wooden balls can be used in the private home or in the holiday camp when the children want a "popping" goal - as a compensation for other frustrations they had to suffer.
No fanaticism
Of course a table soccer is a party game, and add to this it's a good exercise for concentration, coordination and movement, and I don't see any negative with it when people are not fanatic with it. Therefore one should not only play soccer - but one should also play other sports systematically. That's as if the food would only be French Fried and scallop. A mix is needed and is bewaring our health.
Mini table soccer field: Tipp-Kick
Tipp-Kick is a table soccer game played only by two persons, with a rolled cotton playing field and every player only has two playing puppet (one goalkeeper and one forward) made of heart plastic which can be moved by one "tip" on a nub. But the rolling playing field is always wavy so this game has developed as a game with a special game table. Also associations were founded performing events regularly.
Tipp-Kick soccer
Tipp-Kick soccer, the box [s021]
Tipp-Kick with rolled playing field, players and goals [s022]
Tipp-Kick on a play board in Weiler, region of Pforzheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany [s023]
Combi playgrounds
In little countries where is not much territory available - for example in Switzerland - often combi playgrounds are installed where several different plays can be performed on the same ground.
Combi playground in red in Neuheim in the canton of Zug, Switzerland [1]
-- soccer (GB: football) and handball are possible lengthwise
-- basketball crossways
-- and watching the photo at the right side showing the field of Schanzengraben School in Zurich there is also a painted side fence.
Combi playground in red at the school of Schanzengraben in Zurich, soccer and handball lengthwise, basketball crossways [2]
Playground: movement playground
A movement playground is equipped with special playground devices for "much moving" so the ground will never be touched.
Basketball courts
A basketball court is more complicated than a football ground because the ground of a basketball field really has to be absolutely flat. Additionally the basketball hoops are essential and also the event of a ball hitting the hoop. A basketball court without hoops makes basketball impossible.
Add to this basketball is a play for groups that is training the complete body, arms and legs as also belly and neck etc. And there are different strategies and throwing techniques. When there are little stands then basketball can also be a family event. Important is additionally that at 10 pm all plays are finished and the ground is opened at 2 pm, because otherwise much bouncing is damaging the nerves in a residential area. Performed in a hall or built in a free area without residential area playing around the clock is no problem of course.
Basketball courts in Dreirosenanlage (Three Roses Park), Basel [6]
-- the basketball courts installed crosswise to the soccer field are of first class quality (+)
-- but soccer and basket cannot be performed (-)
-- concerning group games Dreirosenanlage is disposed unilaterally to soccer (GB: football) and basketball (-)
-- the playing field is next to residential houses eventually nerving the population when rest times are not considered (-). The minimum would be to install a time table and a control for a calm night.
Basketball court of the Prairie Lakes Community Center in Illinois in the criminal "USA" [7]
-- in the criminal "USA" basketball courts are mostly only for basketball because there is enough space for a soccer field aside
-- add to this soccer is not so spread in criminal "USA" but more spread is wild and animal-like rugby which is not possible to play on a hard court.
Streetball basketball
Streetball is a kind of basketball that is played only with one basket. Streetball was probably developing because of one missing basket. Moreover, the players must not run so much any more but the play is always in a constant "alert" with attack and defense. With this principle streetball culture was developed without halls and without any big court but a relatively little surface and only one basketball hoop are enough for joy and total body moving, coordination and jumping and throwing.
Streetball field 01 in rot (tartan flooring) with a big bench in the background, in Lausa, region of Dresden, Germany [8]
-- and even playing during a rain is possible.
Streetball 02 on a meadow in Selent in the region of Kiel, Germany [9]
-- well, after a rain a lawn or meadow needs at least 2 days for drying.
Streetball 03 with collapsible and flexible hoop, Zell am See, Austria [10]
Streetball 04 with collapsible and flexible hoop, no location, Austria [11]
Volleyball fields
A volleyball field is not obliged to be absolutely flat, and the net has not to be a net either but also can be only a rope or a long wire in a backyard or between some trees etc. In a backyard already a surface of 3 to 3 meters is enough for a little play of four. When laypersons or groups of children for example never want to stop the game also nobody will shoot fast because otherwise the game will interrupt.
That means: It's generally possible to install a little volleyball field in any backyard with a surface of 3 to 3 meters. But backyards are always more destroyed and replaced by block houses - and by this much playing culture is lost when big playgrounds for children are not installed.
Volleyball on the playground
Volleyball field with hard pavement in Schlossaritz, Bavaria, Germany [vo001]
Volleyball on a lawn without sport shoes in a Navy-Resort in Ridgecrest, California, criminal "USA" [vo002]
-- there is always a danger that barefoot players will harm their feet on the lawn by uncontrolled movings with distortions (-).
Volleyball on a law in the Dammweg Park in Berlin-Neukoelln [vo003]
Volleyball field, inflatable volleyball net, mail order selling aufblasbares.de [vo004]
The dangers with normal sportive volleyball are
-- falls and abrasions and broken clothes, or
-- distortions with fingers when shoots are too fast, or also
-- distortions of toes when the players are barefoot on the lawn and acting to fast or without careless, and
-- there is the danger of heatstroke when the play is too long in the sun - therefore during high summer with sunny weather outdoor volleyball should not be played during 1 and 4 pm.
And therefore playgrounds should not be closed at 20 pm but only at 22 pm, but then precisely.
In countries without parks or playgrounds volleyball is also performed in side streets, and when a car is coming this car has to underpass the net.
Street volleyball
Street-Volleyball 01 in jungle town of Pucallpa, Peru [vo005]
Street-Volleyball 02 in Brooklyn District in New York, criminal "USA" [vo006]
Beach volleyball
Beach volleyball is a volleyball on the sand - of a beach. The differences to normal volleyball can hardly be seen when one has not played it, but the analysis finds striking details:
-- the field is more little
-- beach volleyball is in traditional bathing clothes and erotic moments are also wanted, for men AND for women
-- injuries are almost excluded because there are no injuries in the sand with abrasions or toe distortions.
Professional beach volleyball players are playing only two against two. Laymen also play in bigger groups, and also in mixed groups. Beach volleyball is more common than normal volleyball because the playing field is more little. But the danger of a heatstroke should not be underestimated because the sand with it's crystalline elements is also reflecting light and heat like little mirrors. Therefore during high summer with sunny weather beach volleyball should not be played during 1 and 4 pm.
Beach volleyball 01 with women [vo007]
Beach volleyball 02 with men [vo008]
Beach volleyball 03 with a mixed group [vo009]
Hockey outdoors can be on a lawn or indoors on a soft pavement, but please with gymnastic shoes and with gloves because the hockey sticks and the falls with the sticks can be dangerous.
Lawn hockey with men, MSV Bautzen, without gloves [ho001]
Roller skate hockey with gloves, no location [ho002]
Roller skate hockey with gloves and goal, Argentina [ho003]
Bikini hockey in criminal "USA" 01 [ho004]
Bikini hockey in criminal "USA" 02 [ho005]
Well, ice hockey is nothing with a playground and is not mentioned here. But see the next chapters about hockey:
Street hockey
In certain countries hockey is also played in the street. There only should not be any gully cover where the ball will fall. And gymnastic shoes have to be good on the hard asphalt pavement. And people should not to play too hard for evading injuries.
Street Hockey 01 with an orange ball, no location, photobucket.com [ho006]
Street Hockey 02 with an orange ball near a garage with a goal, no location [ho007]
Street hockey 03 on a parking lot facility with bales of straw as a side fence, criminal "USA" [ho008]
Mini playground: table hockey
Also hockey fans without a hall and during rainy weather have the possibility to play a table hockey on a mini playground:
-- with a copy of an ice hockey field with a puck with 10 players, or
-- with a big sliding field with ventilation ("Air Hockey") as big as a billiard table with two to four players and a super flat puck.
Table hockey 01 with an imitation of ice hockey, "Slapshot"[ho009]
Table hockey 02 with a ventilation ("Air Hockey") and with a glide surface for 2 or 4 players [ho010]
Traffic parks
Playing fields - also traffic parks are playing fields. They are a little version of the real world having an experiment of traffic. For one hour this gives a joy to the children, but then the traffic park is "crawled" and children want to see something new or one can change some conditions. At least one traffic light should be installed in a traffic park otherwise it's not considered real.
The first traffic park is principally Lego World with streets, houses, traffic signs and play cars.
The second traffic park follows with a model railway.
The third traffic park can be a park in a hall then, for example traffic park "Oltimo" in Olten, Switzerland
This traffic hall is a paradise for children during wind and weather. And "Oltimo" Park has a unique concept with electro vehicles and children do not have to move any more. I think this is rather negative.
Traffic park 04 with go-cart and bike, Hohenmölsen near Teuchern near Leipzig, Germany
Traffic park 05 with go-cart and bike, Linz-Urfahr, Austria
Traffic park 06 with go-cart, bike and traffic light, Linz-Urfahr, Austria
Well, it would be more real when the go-carts had at least some blinking lights. Perhaps this will come sometimes...
Skateparks for skating, biking with BMX bike, and scooting
Skating with a turn of 180 degrees 02, Horfield, Bristol, England [Skatepark 07]
Since there are skateboards also skateparks exist for endless exercise going up and down performing the greatest "tricks and stunts".
Here are the details:
Skatepark playing fields
A skatepark is a stomping ground for skateboarder, for BMX bicycles, and for scooters. Little children begin with scooters and then they change on a skateboard or on a BMX bike.
Noise by clicking without end by skateboards with concrete and metal frames is CONSIDERABLE. One has to know: House facades are reinforcing the clicking by the echo. But with BMX bikes and with scooters hardly any noise will be. According to this opening times should be arranged when the skating area is near residential houses. Big trees or lines of trees around a skatepark are reducing the clicking noises.
Sceneries from skatepark of Horfield in Bristol, England
Skatepark for skateboards, BMX bikes and scooters, scheme 01
The shape of this skatepark is practically symmetric without curvings and permits much "tricks and stunts". The real view with a fish eye photo is like this:
Skatepark 02, the real skatepark of Horfield in Bristol, England
And a stunt on one wheel is "just normal":
Skatepark 03: biking on the back wheel on the wall, Horfield District in Bristol
A skatepark is not only a skatepark, but is really a kind of circus:
Skatepark 04: Biking with a turn of 360 degrees, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 05: Skating on a balustrade, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skating with a turn of 180 degrees 01, Horfield, Bristol, England [Skatepark 06]
Skating with a turn of 180 degrees 180 Grad 02, Horfield, Bristol, England [Skatepark 07]
Skater ski jump 01, Horfield District, Bristol, England [Skatepark 08]
Skater ski jump 02, Horfield District, Bristol, England [Skatepark 09]
Skatepark 10: skating and biking at the same time, Horfield District, Bristol
Skatepark 11: scooting with a turn of 180 degrees, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 12: scooting with a turn of 180 degrees, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 13: biking with a turn of 180 degrees 01, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 14: biking with a turn of 180 degrees 02, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 15: biking with a turn of 180 degrees 03, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 16: biking riding backwards, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 17: biking with a turn of 180 degrees 04, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Skatepark 18: biking and scooting synchronously, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 19: biking with a turn of 360 degrees, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 20: biking with a turn of 180 degrees with flood lights, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 21: biking with a stopover on the back wheel, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 22: biking with a flying position in the air freehand, Horfield District in Bristol
Skatepark 23: biking on a wall upwards, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 24: biking on a table, Horfield District in Bristol, England
Skatepark 25: biking on a railing upwards, Horfield District, Bristol, England
Look the video (6 minutes) with the circus in the skatepark in Horfield District in Bristol, England
One more skatepark in Newport in England
Skatepark 26: skatepark in Newport, England
This skatepark has got curvings without end, but hardly any platforms, no stairs, and no walls.
Skatepark 27: skater in a curving, Newport, England
Skatepark 28: skater with a jump, Newport, England
Skatepark 29: skater in a hilly landscape, Newport, England
See the short video (1 minute):
One more skatepark in Newport, England
Skatepark 30+31: skatepark in Newport, England, panoramic photo
Some more skateparks
Skatepark 32: biking salto backwards (backflip), Melbourne
See this video (20 seconds) - just for "relaxing":
When there is no space for a complete skatepark then some ramps can be installed aside a playing field for the skaters, BMX-bikers and scooters, eventually with additional balustrade elements:
Skate ramps on fields
Skatepark 33: skater ramp in Liebefeld, canton of Berne, Switzerland
Skatepark 34: skater ramps in Stettlen with a curving and a combined platform, canton of Berne, Switzerland
Skatepark 35: little skatepark in Oberwil in canton of Aargau, Switzerland, sight 1
Skatepark 36: little skatepark in Oberwil in canton of Aargau, Switzerland, sight 2
Skatepark 37: skatepark in Mörfelden near Darmstadt, Germany
Water plays on the water
When a playground is on a beach, then this is mostly a public swimming pool. And there are extension possibilities for example installing little artificial islands with rafts, or one can swim on a little island as an inflatable air mattress, or one can have fun with pedalo ships.
Water plays 01, a raft on Lake of Zurich
The little rafts on Lake of Zurich are built with three rows of empty barrels. Two ladders are the accesses. The wooden ground is drying fast and is never too hot. Children are playing tag there and are also swimming below the raft between the rows of barrels. Touching the barrels can be dangerous because of sharp shells which can really cut badly the fingers or legs.
Water plays 02, a soccer raft on Hintersee ("Behind Lake") near Salzburg in Austria, every year they perform a "Raft Soccer Cup" there
Since 2010 on the Hintersee ("Behind Lake") a soccer cup is performed on the lake. There is an original description: <Sports friends of Faistenau have built a great raft made of 8.5 m3 of wood and steel producing a swimming soccer raft (15x10m). They installed an artificial lawn on it and are now performing a little field soccer event every year near Hirschpoint Beach ("stag point beach") with 16 teams with 5 men any team.> [web01]
(orig. German: <Die Sportfreunde Faistenau haben 8,5 Kubikmeter Holz und Stahl zu einem schwimmenden Fußball Floß (15x10m) verarbeitet, darauf einen Kunstrasen verlegt und veranstalten beim Badestrand Hirschpoint ein Kleinfeld Fußballturnier mit 16 Mannschaften à 5 Mann.>) [web01]
Water plays 03, inflatable water hamster wheel, Grafenwerth Island, region of Bonn, Germany
Water plays 04 showing an inflatable mattress which can also convert into an island for talks
Water plays 05, pedalo ships in form of swans in Hurgada at the Red Sea in Egypt
Water plays 06, a pedalo ship with a slide, no location, Shutterstock
Water plays 07, air mattress island in the form of an octagon, mail order selling "aufblasbares.de"
Water plays 08, children on a rubber dolphin
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[web01] http://www.salzkammergut-rundblick.at/aktuelles/000007__news__9420.htm
Photo sources
Fields and courts for children from 10 years on
Soccer fields (GB: football fields)
[s001 to s004] soccer field at Kitawa School in Salasaca in Ecuador: photos by Michael Palomino 2010
[s005] Soccer field with side fence for youths in Stiefern in Austria: http://www.kinderwelt-stiefern.at/index.php?id=24
[s006] Soccer field with side fence in Prackenbach, Bavaria, Germany: http://www.prackenbach.de/verzeichnis/objekt.php?mandat=61223
[s007] Fenced soccer field in Condomio District in Brasilia, Brazil: http://augenblickewinkel.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html
[s008] Fenced soccer field for children and youths with metal goals, Reuter Square in Berlin-Neukoelln: http://www.neukoelln-jugend.de/platzspiele2006/
[s009] Fenced soccer field for children and youths with metal goals, Blaubärplatz (Blue Bear Square) in Berlin-Neukoelln: http://www.neukoelln-jugend.de/platzspiele2006/
[s010] Soccer ground at youth at youth center of Haidburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: http://www.haidburg.de/ausstattung.html
[s011] Soccer ground at nature lover's house in Elmstein in Rhineland Palatinate, Germany: http://www.naturfreundehaus-elmstein.de/viewpage.php?page_id=27
[s012] Soccer ground with girl's soccer at Playhouse Medinghoven in Bonn, Germany: http://mhoven.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html
[s013] Inflatable soccer field 01, Oppermann Events, Germany: http://www.oppermann-eventservice.de/fussball-eventmodule/fussball-soccer-zorbing-zorb.html
[s014] Inflatable soccer field 02 for children, ebay: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Kinder-Fussballfeld-aufblasbar-2-Baelle-Spielfeld-Fussball-/290617254521
[s015] Inflatable goals, mail order selling aufblasbares.de: http://www.zusammenkaufen.de/aufblasbares_badeinseln.html
Soccer: table soccer (GB: table football)
[s016] Table soccer 01 in a play hall in Soltau, Lower Saxony, Germany:
[s017] Table soccer 02, secondary school of Lindlar, NRW, Germany: http://www.hauptschule-much.de/BilddesMonats.htm
[s018] Table football 03, a mini table football for only 2 players, without a goalkeeper, Yatego mail order selling:
[s019] Table football 04 in an XXL size for 8 persons, Yatego mail order selling:
[s020] Table football "Garlando G1000" in a Ralley design, Yatego mail order selling:
Soccer (GB: football): Tipp-Kick
[s021] Tipp kick soccer, the box:
[s022] Tipp-Kick with rolled playing field, players and goals:
[s023] Tipp-kick on a play board in Weiler, region of Pforzheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany:
Combi playing fields in little countries
[1] Combi playground in red in Neuheim in the canton of Zug, Switzerland: http://www.neuheim.ch/kultur-freizeit/sport-und-freizeitanlagen/
[2] Combi playground in red at the school of Schanzengraben in Zurich, soccer and handball lengthwise, basketball crossways :
Movement playground
[3] movement playground with tires 01, Siebenmühlental ("Seven Mills Valley"), Germany:
[4] movement playground with tires 02, Siebenmühlental ("Seven Mills Valley"), Germany: http://www.mauga-nescht.de/gal-jungs_radtour_april09/slides/action.html
[5] jumping castle "soccer arena", Oppermann Events: http://www.oppermann-eventservice.de/huepfburg/huepfburg-fussball-arena.html
[6] basketball courts, Dreirosenanlage, Basel: http://www.bs.ch/bilder?act=detail&oid=18713
[7] basketball courts, Prairie Lakes Community Center, Illinois: http://www.dpparks.org/Facilities/PrairieLakesCommunityCenter.aspx
[8] basketball, streetball 01 in red with a big bench in Lausa, region of Dresden: http://www.dd4kids.de/authors/1-Konrad-Bauckmeier/P5.html#prettyPhoto
[9] basketball, streetball 02 in Wiese in Selent, region of Kiel: http://www.ferienwohnung-selent.de/wohnung.html
[10] basketball, streetball 03 with collapsible baskets, Zell am See, Austria:
[11] basketball, streetball 04 with collapsible baskets, no location, Austria: http://www.taekwondo-mistelbach.at/news.html
[vo001] volleyball 01, volleyball field in a hard pavement, Schlossaritz, Bavaria, Germany: http://www.schossaritz.de/diashow/Schossaritz/Spielplatz/index.html
[vo002] volleyball 02 on a lawn barefoot, Navy, Ridgecrest, California, criminal "USA": http://ridgecrest.blogspot.com/2008_04_01_archive.html
[vo003] volleyball 03 on a lawn in a park near Dammweg, Berlin-Neukoelln: http://www.neukoelln-jugend.de/platzspiele2006/
[vo004] volleyball 04 with an inflatable volleyball net: http://www.zusammenkaufen.de/aufblasbares_badeinseln.html
[vo005] volleyball 05: street volleyball on a street in jungle town of Pucallpa in Peru: http://www.theadventuresofrobandlauren.com/2010/feb/10/one-last-look-pucallpa/
[vo006] volleyball 06: street volleyball on a street in Brooklyn District in New York in criminal "USA": http://rocksinmypocketsthemovie.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/brooklyn-vs-manhattan/
Beach volleyball
[vo007] beach volleyball, women:
[vo008] beach volleyball, men: http://hsp-hh.sport.uni-hamburg.de/angebote/Sommersemester_2012/_Beachvolleyball.html
[vo009] mixed beach volleyball: http://pk.ingham.org/WherecanIgoto/PlayVolleyball.aspx
[ho001] lawn hockey, MSV Bautzen: http://www.msvbautzen04.de/hockey/training.html
[ho002] roller skate hockey with gloves, no location: http://finntrack.co.uk/assignments/start_011.html
[ho003] roller skate hockey with gloves and goal, Argentina: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roller_hockey_%28Quad%29
[ho004 + ho005] bikini hockey, video: http://web.de/magazine/freizeit/sport/16895512-bikini-hockey-erobert-welt.html#
[ho006] street hockey with an orange ball, no location, photobucket.com:
[ho007] street hockey with an orange ball before a garage, no location: http://www.thefrugalgirl.com/joshuas365/street-hockey/
[ho008] street hockey) on a parking ground with bales of straw as a side fence: http://www.everettsilvertips.com/article/silvertips-street-hockey-challenge-july-23/98849
[ho009] table hockey 01 with 10 players:
[ho010] table hockey 02 on a sliding surface with a ventilation for 2 to 4 players:
Traffic parks
[traffic park 01] Lego-City, Legowelt Mainz: http://www.andreashaase.net/DE/modellbau/LEGO/mainz.html
[traffic park 02] model railway: http://kleinanzeigen.ebay.de/anzeigen/s-anzeige/kleine-modelleisenbahn-in-spur-n/89460319-249-1084
[traffic park 03] traffic park "Oltimo" in a big hall Halle (1000 m2) with electric vehicles for children from 3 to 12 years, Olten, Switzerland:
[traffic park 04] traffic park with go-carts and bikes of traffic ward association Hohenmölsen-Teuchern near Leipzig: http://www.gvw-hhm-teuchern.de/galerie/index.html
[traffic park 05+06] traffic park with go-carts and bikes, Linz-Urfahr: http://www.stifterschule.at/index.php?id=299
Skatepark Horfield in Bristol
-- skatepark 01 scheme, Horfield, Bristol: http://www.randombmx.com/wordpress/?cat=9
-- skatepark 02 in Horfield, Bristol, England: http://www.randombmx.com/wordpress/?cat=9
-- skatepark 03 in Horfield, Bristol, England: http://www.randombmx.com/wordpress/?cat=9
-- skatepark 04, biking with 360 degrees turn (Jordan Mack volcano 360 sequence), Horfield, Bristol, England:
-- skatepark 05, skating on a balustrade, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 06, skating with a turn of 180 degrees 01, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 07, skating with a turn of 180 degrees 02, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 08, jump 01, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 09, jump 02, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 10, skating and biking at the same time, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1JlZYY2LA0
-- skatepark 11 + 12, scooters, 180 degrees turn 01, Horfield, Bristol, England:
http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kADhIsszB3g
-- skatepark biking, Horfield, Bristol, England: http://vidgrids.com/horfield-skate-park
Skatepark Newport
-- skatepark Newport with skaters in curvings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5txVJO1_1o
Backflip with a BMX bike in Melbourne
-- skatepark Melbourne with a salto backwards (backflip): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1JR6WrW6sw
More skateparks
-- skateboard ramp on a school playground, Liebefeld, canton of Berne, Switzerland: http://www.sk8parks.ch/liebefeld---be---3097---miniramp.html
-- skatepark Oberwil, canton of Aargau, Switzerland: http://www.sk8parks.ch/oberwil---ag---8966.html
-- skatepark Stettlen, canton of Berne, Switzerland: http://www.sk8parks.ch/stettlen---be---3066.html
-- skateboard park in Mörfelden near Darmstadt, Germany: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=b6109eba-a483-4725-b745-2ee8844e1396
Water plays
[water01] little raft on Lake of Zurich: http://www.pixelio.de/media/166049?items=40
[water02] soccer raft (GB: football raft) for soccer events on the water ("Raft Soccer Cup") on Hintersee ("Behind Lake"), region of Salzburg:
[water03] hamster wheel on the water, Grafenwerth Island, region of Bonn, Germany:
[water04] air mattress for talks, Woodinis mail order selling:
[water05] pedalo ships in form of swans in Hurghada at the Red Sea in Egypt:
[water06] pedalo ship with a slide, no location, Shutterstock:
[water07] air mattress island in form of an octagon, mail order selling of the web site www.aufblasbares.de: http://www.zusammenkaufen.de/aufblasbares_badeinseln.html
[water08] rubber dolphin with 2 children on a beach, no location: http://www.oeamtc.at/?id=2500,826535,,