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Lesen lernen / aprender leer

Deutsch - Spanisch / alemán - español

Aprender el alemán: Curso de idioma Español-Alemán

Französisch / français

Englisch / English / ภาษาอังกฤษ
  • capital initials: work days (Monday etc.), zodiacs (Taurus etc.), fantasy beliefs (Christianity etc.), constellations (Canis Major etc.),
    stupid words: octagon, Golgotha, Solomon, Apollo, developed, divine, traveled, initiated, architecture, godess, entrance, Vatican, herald, resurrected, horses, god Helios, column, measurement, laid (not: layed), jealous, calls, uncle, crucifixion, 9 poor (not: 9 poors), buried, defamation, restoration, pavilion, council, alchemist, thesis, Egyptian, Greek, birth, rebirth, elliptical, herald, common, mystery, psychopath, equinox, Pennsylvania, sculptor (not: sculpturer), Colosseum, aluminum, asbestos, council, conversion, mysterious, navel, controling, inverted (not: inversed) - he states that (not: staits that)

    tbsp=table spoon

Learning English with videos

  • Robin Hood (video 29min.)
    Robin Hood being outlawed - living in Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood organizing money for the poor taking a toll tax for the pass through Sherwood Forest - Robin Hood winning an archer's competition - the crazy Sheriff of Nottingham taken prison and has to go home naked - Robin Hood blocking a forced marriage - Prince Lionheart visiting Robin Hood - liberation
    English video 01: Robin Hood

The word "Fuck"

Spanisch-Englisch / Español-Inglés / Spanish-English

Curso de inglés (Figueredo, con indicaciones de pronunciación precisas de Michael Palomino, 2009)

Curso de inglés: temas
-- el tema "do you?"

1. profesiones - professioni


Latein: Verben

Wortwahl: Inseratesprachen

Wortwahl: Ausgleich bei den Geschlechtern
  • Sprachkultur (Meldungen)
    Wie die männliche Herrschaft zu Ende geht - die Streichung von rassistischen und "bösen" Wörtern

Ketschua / quechua / runasimi



Thailändisch / Thai

คำศัพท์ไทย / Thai-Vokabular / Thai vocabulary
1. สรรพนามวิเศษณ์สันธานคำบุพบท 1. Pronomen, Adverbien, Konjunktionen, Praepositionen 1. Pronauns, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions
2. คำนามและ คำคุณศัพท์ 2. Substantive und Adjektive 2. Nouns and adjectives
3. คำกริยา 3. Verben 3. Verbs

4. หัวข้อ 4. Themenbereiche 4. Different topics