Permaculture index
Agriculture as it was 12,000 years ago -
caring itself with giant harvests
Permaculture apprentice newsletter

Permaculture: hill bed with dry wall and the
partition of zones |

Permaculture farm of Sepp Holzer "Krameterhof"
in Salzburg region in Austria - permaculture of
the Alps
Permaculture farm in Le Bec
Hellouin in France with the family
Hervé-Gruyer, hill beds on the ground forming
a mandala
by Michael Palomino (2018)
1) Chronologie
- 2) List
of books - 3) 12
points of Holmgren -
Tricks with Mother Earth in agriculture (version 3 -
Oct.2, 2019 - appr. 65 pages) (pdf)
1. Permaculture
is agriculture that is preserving
itself and almost ALWAYS works by
itself - WITHOUT pesticides, almost
WITHOUT machines, with maximum yield

Pioneers of permaculture F.H. King
"Farmers of Forty Centuries" - Fukuoka in
Japan "One Straw Revolution" - pioneer
Bill Mollison in Australia - a Patrick
Whitefield with "Permaculture in a
Nutshell" - pioneer Hemenway with "Gaia's
2. List
of books
Book list of
permaculture: investigations of F.H. King
with his book Farmers of Forty Centuries -
pioneer Bill Mollison in Australia with
his pioneer book "Permaculture One" -
pioneer Masanobu Fukuoka in Japan with his
book "One-Straw Revolutionary" - pioneer
Patrick Whitefield with his book
"Permaculture in a Nutshell" - Sepp Holzer
from Austrian Alps with his book "Sepp
Holzer's Permaculture" (original German:
"Sepp Holzers Permakultur"
Principles of agriculture with Mother
Earth of Holmgren: 12 points
Observe + improve - save
energy + efficiency - yield in the long
term - ecosystem self-regulating - slow
but steady growth - waste does not exist
- always keep an eye on the whole -
investigate holistically + plant -
increase efficiency slowly - maintain
diversity - also consider marginal zones
- for changes react creatively

Holmgren and the list with 12 points - his
book "Permaculture. Principles &
Pathways Beyond Sustainability"
Permaculture farm, principles+tricks
Zone Division - Planning -
Vertical Dimension - Water Tricks -
Mulching - Water Pouring - Ponds - Ground
Tricks and hill bed - Buildings - Energy -
Weeds - White Clover - Natural Pesticides
- Compost - Transitions - Collecting Seeds
- Tree Tricks - Vegetable Tricks - Beer
Tricks - Animals in Permaculture - the
useless monoculture

Permaculture: hill bed with stone rim, and
the partition of the farm with zone
4a2. Permaculture:
mulch and mulching
4a3. Permaculture
with raised bed and hillbed (hillpatch)
4a4. Roots
and root lenght - and natural fertilizer
4a5. Feeder
(heavy - moderate - light feeder) + manure
plants + companion plants ("partner
4a6. Tricks
in the greenhouse: fabrics, glass, or
plexiglass - seedlings - pit greenhouse
4a7. Pit
greenhouse "Walipini" - also slope pit
house (embankment pit house) - slope
greenhouse, embankment greenhouse
4a8. Wheeds
Mulch, plants, animals, put newspapers,
water solutions etc.
4a9. Plant
illnesses of plants and natural pesticides
4a10. Compost
4a11. Water
4a12. Tree+fruit tree
4a13. Flower tricks
4a14. Berry tricks
4a15. Animals in permaculture
4a16. Dwelling house in
4a17. The machine pesticide monoculture is
destroying everything
permaculture farms, examples
1. Transforming a farm
to its origins - pioneer Masanobu Fukuoka
in Japan (1938) - 2. Sepp Holzer with his
farm Krameterhof Austria (since the 1960s)
- 3. The Permaculture Research Institute
in Australia: Zaytuna Farm by Geoff +
Nadia Lawton (1978/1997) - 4. The
permaculture garden research project
"Melliodora" in Australia by David
Holmgren (1985) - 5. Permaculture farm of
the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec
Hellouin, France (since 2004/2008) - 6.
Project 63 at farm of Owl Farm (Eulenhof)
in Möhlin (CH) (2018)
Permaculture farms,
examples with citrus garden of Fukuoka in
Japan, Melliodora in Australia, Le Bec in
France, and Zaytuna in Australia
pioneer Masanobu Fukuoka: transforming a
farm to it's origin - in Japan (1938)
Restore the original agriculture with
fruit forest and straw as it was 12,000
years ago - seed balls - nature decides
what grows where - the "mu" of
nothing-to-do-farming - 5 principles: NO
plow, NO fertilizer, NO compost, NO
weeding, NO pesticides, NO pruning -
Experiments with rice and barley and
mulch - from 1979, traveling without end

Permaculture farm with citrus garden of
Masanobu Fukuoka, Japan
Pioneer Masanobu Fukuoka with forest
garden, prizes, lectures in India:
mulching, fruit sequences rice and
barley+clover, seed balls, forest garden
of Dr. Save
1. The Orchard Organic
Farm on Shikoku Island (Japan) 1998 - 2.
Fukuoka in India 1997 - 3. The crops of
barley+white clover + rice alone - 4. 1997
workshop in India: seedballs in the forest
garden - on cereal fields - 5. 1998:
Greece in Edessa with seedballs - 6th
1997: Workshop in India: virus diseases in
plants - 7. With pesticide machine
monocultures the desert comes - 8. Seed
collecting - 9. India 1997: Press
conference in Dahanu - 10. Nature makes
food for the living beings - 11. Forest
garden near Mumbai - water comes with big
trees - 12. Mr. Save's organic forest
garden in Salvad north of Mumbai - 13. The
criminal lawn - 14. The seedballs with
nature - 15. Living with the earth
Film: Fukuoka in Japan+India 1997:
lectures, mulching, seedballs, criminal
lawn etc.
Sepp Holzer with his farm Krameterhof in
Ramingstein (Salzburg Alps - Austria)
climate in the Salzburg Alps between
1100 and 1500m above sea level - 40
years of experiments - Permaculture and
stubborn Austrian authorities - details
about Sepp Holzers agriculture: The
creation of a new landscape - then
minimal effort - medicinal plants +
hillbeds - pigs plow the fields -
cleverly combined mixed cultures save
pesticides, etc. - books "The Agrarian
Rebel" (2002) - "Sepp Holzer's
Permaculture" (2004) - "Desert or
paradise" (2013)

Permaculture of the Alps: Krameter Farm
(Krameterhof) of Sepp Holzer in
Ramingstein in Salzburg region in Austria
Sepp Holzer with a lake landscape in
Tamera (Portugal)
Dry and dusty mountain landscape around
Tamera until 2006 - Construction of See 1 -
Construction of Lake 1 in 2007 - Filling the
lake by 2009 - Increasing the groundwater
level and revitalization of the entire area
- Fauna and flora are returning - Fruit
trees, vegetables, self-sufficiency etc.
Tamera (Portugal) where
Sepp Holzer installed a lake system and
recultivation came
Sepp Holzer and his Krameter Farm -
permaculture of the Alps: Biodiversity
and water with 72 ponds on the slope and
low forest grazing
Pond management with 72 ponds on a slope -
crayfish breeding - terracing with
embankments with grazed low forest
Sepp Holzer, Krameter
Farm (Krameterhof), 72 ponds on a slope
and low forest grazing on terrace
Permaculture Research Institute in
Australia: Zaytuna Farm of Geoff Lawton
Predecessor Mr. Bill
Mollison: The Permaculture Research
Institute on the Tagari farm since 1978 -
Geoff Lawton takes over the Permaculture
Research Institute - shifting it to
Zaytuna Farm - almost self-sufficiency -
800m brook banks - bathing sites - rich
wildlife - hills, ridges, valleys, forest
- Zaytuna Farm: ecovillage, wildlife,
permaculture planting beds and
permaculture forest garden
Permaculture Research
Institute of Mollison "Tagari Farm"
(1978-1997) and with Geoff Lawton "Zaytuna
Farm" (since 1997)
Permaculture garden research project
"Melliodora" of David Holmgren in
Hepburn Springs, Australia (since 1985)
1985: Purchase of a piece of land -
conversion into an intensive permaculture
plant - Project "Melliodora" - David
Holmgren and Su Dennett - mixed cultures,
orchard, dams, harvest - volunteering and
tours - books

Holmgren, his Permaculture Research
Center "Melliodora" in Hepburn Springs,
Australia, with books, harvests,
integrated greenhouse, chickens, mixed
cultures, garden house and ponds
Permaculture Research
Center "Melliodora" with Holmgren's
Design, logo
Permaculture farm of the family
Hervé-Gruyer in Le Bec Hellouin, France
A Farm installs 1 hectare of permaculture -
the farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le
Bec Hellouin, France -- 2004: France:
Acquisition of a farm in Le Bec Hellouin -
in 2008 change of 1 hectare on permaculture
-- Some impressions and pics from the
permaculture farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family
in Le Bec-Hellouin (France) 1,2,3 -- The
hillbeds in the permaculture zone in Le
Bec-Hellouin: The roots remain in the soil,
so the hillbeds become always more fertile -
yield per year 55 ¤ / m2 (2018)

The farm in Le Bec Hellouin in France of
the Hervé-Gruyer family with 1 hectare of
permaculture since 2008 - almost 10 times
yield than normal
Permaculture project Eulenhof (own farm)
in Möhlin (CH) "Project 63"
There is a zone
planning -- With a sector analysis -- The
farm needs a pond system for water
management -- Zones are set for vegetable
growing and forest -- Plan of a perennial
nursery -- In addition, the value added
and the yield is analyzed, possibly
further optimized -- Possibly other
sources of income will be developed such
as -- Removal of an old barn -- Extension
or construction of buildings for seminars,
training or accommodation -- Extension of
the kitchen to a communal kitchen --
Installation or extension of processing

Eulenhof (own farm) in Möhlin,
(Shitzerland - because of criminal banks,
criminal pharma, criminal Nestlé, and
criminal government permitting these
criminals etc.) [1]
Organic coconut rice farm of Mr. Bhaskar
Save - Valsad, Gujarat, India
Bhaskar Hiraji Save, pioneer in Gujarat with
a farm with rice cultivation, coconut palms,
chikoo fruits, papayas etc.
5. Orchards
(forest gardens, fruit forest gardens,
Forest garden (fruit forest garden) with
permaculture - principles and tricks
Fruit forest garden (orchard garden, food
forest, forest garden) - examples
Robert Hart's orchard garden (England)
Robert Hart as a pioneer of English forestry
- 500m2 orchard on his Highwood Hill Farm in
The permaculture orchard of Mr. Graham
Bell (Southern Scotland)
Amazonas is a forest garden - harvest is
without end - second half of the garden is
the soil
The orchard garden (agroforestry) with
coffee cultivation in Peru - comparison
with monoculture in Brazil
Study clearly states: The environmental
pollution in a monoculture (Brazil) is 3
times higher than in an orchard garden
Associations for permaculture:
Austria: Permavitae: https://www.permavitae.org/
"USA": Permies: Permaculture and homesteading
goofballs: https://permies.com/
Permaculture guide from New Zealand: https://happydiyhome.com/permaculture-garden/
die Magerwiese = alkaline meadow
der Starkzehrer = the heavy feeder
der Mittelzehrer = the medium feeder
der Schwachzehrer = the weak feeder
der Bodendecker = the ground-cover plant
die Pfahlwurzel = the taproot
Plants: weeds
der Giersch= Aegopodium podagraria
commonly called ground elder, herb
gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed,
gout wort
die Vogelmiere = chickweed
der Gundermann= Glechoma hederacea
commonly known as ground-ivy, gill-over-the-ground, [1]
creeping charlie, alehoof, tunhoof,
catsfoot, field balm, and run-away-robin
die Quecke (die Kriechquecke)= Elymus repens
commonly known as common couch, [1]
twitch, quick grass, quitch grass
(also just quitch), dog grass, quackgrass,
scutch grass, and witchgrass
das Franzosenkraut / das Knopfkraut = Galinsoga
die Winde= Convolvulaceae, known commonly as
the bindweed or morning glory
das Dickmännchen=Japanese pachysandra (also: carpet
box, Japanese spurge) is shadowing the ground
der Sauerampfer=sorrel
der Weisse Gänsefuss=white goosefoot
Plants: flowers
die Spiegeleiblume / die Spiegelei-Blume / die
Douglas-Sumpfblume = Douglas Marigold / poached egg
die Schlupfwespel = ichneumon wasp
die Raupenfliege = Tachinidae, commonly known
as tachinid flies, tachinids
der Kürbisrebenbohrer = squash vine borer (lat.:
Melittia cucurbitae)